Prompts#4-6: Post a picture of a place you've been only once. Imagine you are in that place again. Who are you with? Why are you there? Now post a picture of a place, not necessarily a country or a city in general, that you want to go to. Why do you want to go there? HOW (or by what means) are you going to go there? For the last photo post, show us a picture of yourself - the best one, I guess. Would you fit in the culture of the two places? Where would you fit most? Where would you most likely develop new friends? Lastly, how would you share the blessings that you have to tha place and its people?
Honestly I have been to Sydney, Australia recently and I guess that's the best answer for this prompt. I was with my sister Joi and we went there for 4 days. The plan is to experience culture, travel and attend a concert.
That's me at the famous Opera House..
The place I want to go to.
I have answered this question a couple of times in the past but there were 5 countries I always end up choosing.
1. Paris France. As a hopeless romantic, it is my dream to go there. WHY? To see. To explore. Other than that I guess my reasons are all selfish. This is actually just a childhood dream (Yes, I have childhood dreams of running to Europe. Venice, Milan, Prague, Vatican, London. A girl can dream.right?)
2. Korea- Hmmnn, be a tourist? And erhm, walk the streets of my favorite Kpop artists? This place by all means is the most selfish place I could think of. Then again, experiencing culture is a good excuse right?
3.Kenya - YES, a South African country. WHY? I have no idea. Maybe because it is in my heart that maybe someday I could help the poor and be of good use to other people. If I want to do mission work I want to spread the love of Christ in Kenya. But I am too afraid. I am too weak at my state right now to even help myself.
4. Japan - Yes, as a tourist I want to stop over Japan. Other than that, I know Christianity is not popular here. Then why not open up opportunities of sharing it to someone while maybe going into onsens? LOL.
5. China - I have Sunday School Teachers who are living there right now. They are missionaries. In my heart I want to follow their footsteps. Then again, I am afraid. What if I can't do the call? What if I fail? What if I am not good enough for such a work. I know I will never be worthy. Then again, when will I be worthy?
HOW am I going there? -I have no idea.
Where will I fit most?
I guess the best place to fit in is home...
I have always wanted to go back home..
Sharing my blessings at home?
Am I not already doing it? *winks*
"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord endures forever - Psalms 138:8a
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Prompt#3: In light of the nearing All Saints' Day, I'd like to know what death means to you. How do you view death?
Mechanics of the Game:
Answer the prompt with i<J in mind.
Your answer can be in the form of an essay, a poem, a picture, an anecdote or just about anything that can be posted on the Internet (for us to see and share).
If you have a blog, you can post it there. Otherwise, Facebook is the best option. Use the Notes section and enter i<J:ournal Prompt#3 as the title.
For photo answers, you can create an album with i<J:ournal as the title. For each picture, caption should be the Prompt#.
Don't forget to tag me, since I'm the only FB friend you have in common. I'll be sharing them on my wall so that others may be blessed and encouraged as well. :)
Lastly, please please please tag your friends who you want to share your insights with - 5 friends will do. On Facebook, where more than half of what we see does not help us live better lives at all, just imagine how we can make a difference in people's lives with a very simple answer to a prompt.
While I may appear biased in this week's prompt, especially because death is one of Ryan Raneses' dearly loved topics, I think it's still nice to know about different opinions on a rarely talked about topic. I'll be looking forward to your responses.
Do check out our i-journal tumble log at The prompts and responses are there.
I found this picture in another site and totally wants to share it in this prompt. I might be late in answering prompts now but rest assured I was thinking about it.
Death has been a delicate topic to me all along.
Not because I am afraid to die but mainly because I have been looking forward to it for so long.
I am still afraid to lose someone close to me.
And the sad part about it is that.. Seperation, more than death is painful
Mechanics of the Game:
Answer the prompt with i<J in mind.
Your answer can be in the form of an essay, a poem, a picture, an anecdote or just about anything that can be posted on the Internet (for us to see and share).
If you have a blog, you can post it there. Otherwise, Facebook is the best option. Use the Notes section and enter i<J:ournal Prompt#3 as the title.
For photo answers, you can create an album with i<J:ournal as the title. For each picture, caption should be the Prompt#.
Don't forget to tag me, since I'm the only FB friend you have in common. I'll be sharing them on my wall so that others may be blessed and encouraged as well. :)
Lastly, please please please tag your friends who you want to share your insights with - 5 friends will do. On Facebook, where more than half of what we see does not help us live better lives at all, just imagine how we can make a difference in people's lives with a very simple answer to a prompt.
While I may appear biased in this week's prompt, especially because death is one of Ryan Raneses' dearly loved topics, I think it's still nice to know about different opinions on a rarely talked about topic. I'll be looking forward to your responses.
Do check out our i-journal tumble log at The prompts and responses are there.
I found this picture in another site and totally wants to share it in this prompt. I might be late in answering prompts now but rest assured I was thinking about it.
Death has been a delicate topic to me all along.
Not because I am afraid to die but mainly because I have been looking forward to it for so long.
I am still afraid to lose someone close to me.
And the sad part about it is that.. Seperation, more than death is painful
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Burning Bush Experience.
Prompt#2: Because today my devotion is on Psalm 22, I thought of basing the prompt on verse 1. When have you felt forsaken the most? What did you cry out to the Lord that time?
“Tears are words the heart can't express”
-Author Unknown
To answer this question is to dig deep in my past and unravel the eccentricity of my mind. I have always been a person that has a lot to say but with terms of being left out and crying out my heart; my thoughts are well hidden within the pages of my journal.
I cried endlessly one February Saturday morning a few years back around ’06 or ’07? I guess, I have buried it deep I couldn’t recall. As much as I can remember that is the turning point of whom I am today. To tell the exact meaning of my tears and to elaborate the pain, I would still choose to conceal.
But somewhat, I will try to convey the feelings I had that moment and give a sneak peek behind the reason of it.
It, and still is, up to this point, the most amazing feeling I have ever felt my entire life.
I woke up in daze as I feel the dampness of my pillow caressing my tear-stained face as my hair is tousled messily covering most of my swollen eyes. It might had been because I never really got the chance to have a decent sleep the night before causing my whole body to crumble within unbearable state. I can taste the salty liquid in my lips addressing the emptiness of my soul and my heart.
I tried.
In many months I tried to hide the loneliness that crept in my heart. Slowly, vaguely, the walls I have created have taken its toll on me pushing me to my limit.
I thought I have given up.
But I choose not to.
Silently, I rose up, finding my balance within the swirling motions of the room holding on to the railings of my bed to give me support to finally stand up. I rummaged through my closet trying to find something that could at least lessen the pain my heart is feigning to tell anyone else.
My eyes fell onto something I have carefully tucked away for my convenience.
I found my bible embedded within the corners of the cabinet.
At first, I do not want to touch it.
I mean, there’s a reason why it is hidden.
God, it seems, got tired of me.
Or so I thought.
It has been what? Weeks? Months?
My hands, slightly shaking, made its way to open the tattered pages of my most loved book seeking to find answers to my questions.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
Again, tears started to flow endlessly from my puffy eyes making me look like an oversize panda bawling ungracefully, on my knees, face down on the ground.
Why are people so difficult?
“Lord, can you hear me?”
I took out the nearest tape and plop it down my radio making my cries inaudible to human ears. My sobs and my murmurs lost in the melody of the sweet voice trying to soothe my heart.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
The power they have to hurt you is undeniably terrifying.
The disappointment, the lies and deception, the trust torn into pieces.
It is the moment in my life where comfort was not within my reach. I have always been happy, as if I never had a problem.
It scares me.
People think I am alright but I am not.
I am afraid.
I hold onto the bible tightly as I muttered the words softly.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
I open the pages trying to find promises I have taken comfort years back. I uttered a simple and childish prayer.
“Lord, can you hear me? Say anything.”
I opened my bible and my eyes fell on Psalm 120:1
“In distress I cried unto the Lord and he heard me.”
I smiled.
Crying helplessly but smiling. God heard me.
People will forever leave me, disappoint me.
But God, in every way, in simple ways, in the most bizarre of ways always reminds me.
He hears me.
I think they call that: ‘the burning bush experience.’
Still on my knees, I talked to God endlessly. Pouring out my heart as I rekindled the flame I have long lost because of my mistakes and the irregularity of my actions.
Ashamed but resurrected.
Grace heightened by the moment.
I was wrong.
God never forgot about me after all.
“Tears are words the heart can't express”
-Author Unknown
To answer this question is to dig deep in my past and unravel the eccentricity of my mind. I have always been a person that has a lot to say but with terms of being left out and crying out my heart; my thoughts are well hidden within the pages of my journal.
I cried endlessly one February Saturday morning a few years back around ’06 or ’07? I guess, I have buried it deep I couldn’t recall. As much as I can remember that is the turning point of whom I am today. To tell the exact meaning of my tears and to elaborate the pain, I would still choose to conceal.
But somewhat, I will try to convey the feelings I had that moment and give a sneak peek behind the reason of it.
It, and still is, up to this point, the most amazing feeling I have ever felt my entire life.
I woke up in daze as I feel the dampness of my pillow caressing my tear-stained face as my hair is tousled messily covering most of my swollen eyes. It might had been because I never really got the chance to have a decent sleep the night before causing my whole body to crumble within unbearable state. I can taste the salty liquid in my lips addressing the emptiness of my soul and my heart.
I tried.
In many months I tried to hide the loneliness that crept in my heart. Slowly, vaguely, the walls I have created have taken its toll on me pushing me to my limit.
I thought I have given up.
But I choose not to.
Silently, I rose up, finding my balance within the swirling motions of the room holding on to the railings of my bed to give me support to finally stand up. I rummaged through my closet trying to find something that could at least lessen the pain my heart is feigning to tell anyone else.
My eyes fell onto something I have carefully tucked away for my convenience.
I found my bible embedded within the corners of the cabinet.
At first, I do not want to touch it.
I mean, there’s a reason why it is hidden.
God, it seems, got tired of me.
Or so I thought.
It has been what? Weeks? Months?
My hands, slightly shaking, made its way to open the tattered pages of my most loved book seeking to find answers to my questions.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
Again, tears started to flow endlessly from my puffy eyes making me look like an oversize panda bawling ungracefully, on my knees, face down on the ground.
Why are people so difficult?
“Lord, can you hear me?”
I took out the nearest tape and plop it down my radio making my cries inaudible to human ears. My sobs and my murmurs lost in the melody of the sweet voice trying to soothe my heart.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
The power they have to hurt you is undeniably terrifying.
The disappointment, the lies and deception, the trust torn into pieces.
It is the moment in my life where comfort was not within my reach. I have always been happy, as if I never had a problem.
It scares me.
People think I am alright but I am not.
I am afraid.
I hold onto the bible tightly as I muttered the words softly.
“Lord, can you hear me?”
I open the pages trying to find promises I have taken comfort years back. I uttered a simple and childish prayer.
“Lord, can you hear me? Say anything.”
I opened my bible and my eyes fell on Psalm 120:1
“In distress I cried unto the Lord and he heard me.”
I smiled.
Crying helplessly but smiling. God heard me.
People will forever leave me, disappoint me.
But God, in every way, in simple ways, in the most bizarre of ways always reminds me.
He hears me.
I think they call that: ‘the burning bush experience.’
Still on my knees, I talked to God endlessly. Pouring out my heart as I rekindled the flame I have long lost because of my mistakes and the irregularity of my actions.
Ashamed but resurrected.
Grace heightened by the moment.
I was wrong.
God never forgot about me after all.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Prompt#1: On any gift-giving occasion, what sort of gift (clothes? gadgets? toys? books?) do you always look forward to? Why?
It took me a while to answer this question mainly because
1. When I really want something I buy it myself.
2. I don’t even know what I want.
3. I’ve learned never to expect.
Then again, who wouldn’t want to receive GIFTS!
Aside from the thought that comes from gifts, the most important thing is the giver. It will always be the person and not the thing that comes first.
If it’s a part of my immediate family I often expect more. But yeah, after a few years (or after last years’ birthday) my eyes have been opened. No, I mustn’t expect at all.
Gifts are voluntary given and must never be expected from someone. It is a special favor or symbol of someone remembering you in the process.
The best gift anyone could give me is the gift of presence.
I am not a lonely person rather I put great value in a simple touch, a gesture, a smile, an email, little post it notes, nice dinner and inexpensive candies.
Don’t get me wrong I love expensive gifts. I love it too much I can’t even afford it myself!! XD
The truth is I look forward to the thoughtfulness and the sincerity of the gift bestowed upon me. This is not hypocritical since I will go back to my first answer; it is the giver. The person is the most important in this process.
If a person can afford an expensive gift but gives me a dollar store keychain I will feel unloved but a simple dollar store item given to me by someone who can barely shop speaks heaps to my heart.
Call me sentimental but my mind works in the quirkiest way.
I am reminded by the woman and the alabaster jar of expensive perfume. She poured everything over Jesus feet. It is not the fragrance that touched Jesus heart; it is not the price or the amount of sacrifice.
It was her heart.
Her love.
Her appreciation.
She gave her best.
So let me go back to the question answering it with the best gift I received.
I received it not on my birthday, it’s not even Christmas. It is an ordinary rainy day in July a few years back. It was not expensive; it’s a small orange daisy from the streets of Uni. It was not the first flower I received in my years of existence but somehow it touched my heart.
I am appreciated.
It was the best gift.
It took me a while to answer this question mainly because
1. When I really want something I buy it myself.
2. I don’t even know what I want.
3. I’ve learned never to expect.
Then again, who wouldn’t want to receive GIFTS!
Aside from the thought that comes from gifts, the most important thing is the giver. It will always be the person and not the thing that comes first.
If it’s a part of my immediate family I often expect more. But yeah, after a few years (or after last years’ birthday) my eyes have been opened. No, I mustn’t expect at all.
Gifts are voluntary given and must never be expected from someone. It is a special favor or symbol of someone remembering you in the process.
The best gift anyone could give me is the gift of presence.
I am not a lonely person rather I put great value in a simple touch, a gesture, a smile, an email, little post it notes, nice dinner and inexpensive candies.
Don’t get me wrong I love expensive gifts. I love it too much I can’t even afford it myself!! XD
The truth is I look forward to the thoughtfulness and the sincerity of the gift bestowed upon me. This is not hypocritical since I will go back to my first answer; it is the giver. The person is the most important in this process.
If a person can afford an expensive gift but gives me a dollar store keychain I will feel unloved but a simple dollar store item given to me by someone who can barely shop speaks heaps to my heart.
Call me sentimental but my mind works in the quirkiest way.
I am reminded by the woman and the alabaster jar of expensive perfume. She poured everything over Jesus feet. It is not the fragrance that touched Jesus heart; it is not the price or the amount of sacrifice.
It was her heart.
Her love.
Her appreciation.
She gave her best.
So let me go back to the question answering it with the best gift I received.
I received it not on my birthday, it’s not even Christmas. It is an ordinary rainy day in July a few years back. It was not expensive; it’s a small orange daisy from the streets of Uni. It was not the first flower I received in my years of existence but somehow it touched my heart.
I am appreciated.
It was the best gift.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Behind Closed Doors
What should you do when doors you thought God had opened suddenly slam shut?
This happened to me.
I was thinking, Lord, where did I go wrong? Why is this happening?
I never expected God is still directing my steps. I held on to that plan for so long I was disillusioned that it is the best thing for me. It took up most of my time, my energy, my hopes and dreams only for God to take it away in the end.
Should I be angry at God? Should I be questioning Him?
Whatever happens God has a greater plan for my life. When the doors closed in front of me and I was left with nothing; it is where I found I had everything in God. In proper time, my pain will turn to praise as I begin to realize that God has closed a lesser door to open a greater one.
The darkness behind closed doors helped me appreciate what I have in a new light. I became more thankful and giving. It is not always easy at first, but as God begins to uncover His plans I also began to understand that the pain is the best way to show what real happiness is.
The wait is hard and tiring but as I began to understand God's timing that's when I began to see that obedience is the key whatever the situation is.
This happened to me.
I was thinking, Lord, where did I go wrong? Why is this happening?
I never expected God is still directing my steps. I held on to that plan for so long I was disillusioned that it is the best thing for me. It took up most of my time, my energy, my hopes and dreams only for God to take it away in the end.
Should I be angry at God? Should I be questioning Him?
Whatever happens God has a greater plan for my life. When the doors closed in front of me and I was left with nothing; it is where I found I had everything in God. In proper time, my pain will turn to praise as I begin to realize that God has closed a lesser door to open a greater one.
The darkness behind closed doors helped me appreciate what I have in a new light. I became more thankful and giving. It is not always easy at first, but as God begins to uncover His plans I also began to understand that the pain is the best way to show what real happiness is.
The wait is hard and tiring but as I began to understand God's timing that's when I began to see that obedience is the key whatever the situation is.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Atmosphere Changers
I have been so busy updating other sites other than my blog. I should really lecture myself for being so self absorbed or rather distracted.
So, how are you? How am I these past few days? I am actually in high spirits lately. I had an awesome day today and I feel butterflies in my stomach as I felt the love HE gave me this afternoon.God is just so majestic and I am so happy to be alive. God reminded me of his unfailing grace and boundless love. I have been finding love and happiness in different places but HE is just here, in my heart. My God, my savior.. He never left me, I just gave the devil some space to intrude with my relationship with God and with that I am very displeased with myself.
I have realize that I had changed. I had changed a lot. I used to be like this and like that. I hold on for too long for things which are part of the past. I kept on replying my regrets and what if's as if they are important to me. They are not. They are situations and things of the past. I should never look back.
I got distracted by the devil and because of that the atmosphere around me dropped at negative zero.
Today I had the wonderful opportunity of attending ARISE service by the Waikato Uni. I am half-hearted about it but I always remind myself that whenever I don't want to go. I NEED to go. They have a guest speaker from Melbourne and his name is Pastor Russel (If I'm not mistaken). He has this funny side of him that could tickle your funny bone. He could pass as a stand up comedian I must say. But he has a greater calling and that is - being a preacher. When he talked about the good stuff I can sincerely say it moved me to tears.
He talked about a lot of things but most importantly, he talked about the scripture which is in John 12:1-8. It is about Martha serving and Mary pouring an expensive perfume in Jesus feet. I have read this scripture before, a couple of times to be exact but God revealed to me things I didn't know a few hours ago.
There are some ministries where we are called to be a Martha to serve and there are some ministries where we are called to be a Mary and worship. I am enlightened by this single sentence. It spoke so much truth that I am shaking from it. Where am I? Where is the Martha in me? Where is the Mary in me? Am I Lazarus? Jesus even if I am so sticky and stinking from being dead, could you bring me back to life to serve and worship you?
The topic is about being an atmosphere changer. How Mary put her best to Jesus by giving the most expensive. It is even said that it is worth a year of wages. It must have been what Mary is saving for her wedding. It is so important to her. She was generous to God that she gave her all and even washed Jesus feet with her hair. I couldn't see a less passionate person than her, having to be lowly and servant like in the presence of Jesus.
If you love God, you love what he loves. Mary didn't just gave her best but she gave on excess. When you love Jesus your best is overflowing in excess. You are just so passionate it shows. It is like strong fragrance that can't be denied or contained.
She didn't care about the opinion of others. If you want to be an atmosphere changer you have to give your fragrance of heaven. The atmosphere of generosity and giving. Another good thing in showing your passion is that it exposes those people who has no passion, the phony ones. Mary's passion and devotion for Jesus exposed the heart of Judas which is a thief.
Christians will not bother if you lift your hands to God in worship. Why would they do that they are doing the same thing. Why are we so scared of showing people that we love God - we do love God and we want them to know. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is how people should see our lives. We should never feel ashamed.
Also, passion to change the atmosphere actually prepares people to receive resurrection/ salvation from God.You being a christian is God's instrument in making other people trust him in many ways. That is what we call being a channel of God's blessings.
God never called you to be BOXED. We box ourselves on being phlegmatic or sanguine. We judge ourselves on the way we eat or the date of our birth or how the stars control the universe. We can never be boxed. Because Jesus can never be boxed. People in the past tried to box him out and roll a stone so that he can't get out. "He is the son of God let's box him and let death take him away" Jesus broke every box there is when HE ROSE AGAIN IN THE THIRD DAY and saved our sins, which proves that even death cannot box him.
Don't let people box you or name you, the name above your name is Jesus, and Jesus is the name above all names.
The devils plan is to box you, to bind you, to restrict you. The only things that can box you is what you allow to. The power of the devil has on you is what you give him to.
We, as Christians are atmosphere changers and we must bring out the passion, the desire, the generosity, the best, the fullest, to our God who deserves it more than ever.So that people around us can feel and see what kind of aroma God has.
So, how are you? How am I these past few days? I am actually in high spirits lately. I had an awesome day today and I feel butterflies in my stomach as I felt the love HE gave me this afternoon.God is just so majestic and I am so happy to be alive. God reminded me of his unfailing grace and boundless love. I have been finding love and happiness in different places but HE is just here, in my heart. My God, my savior.. He never left me, I just gave the devil some space to intrude with my relationship with God and with that I am very displeased with myself.
I have realize that I had changed. I had changed a lot. I used to be like this and like that. I hold on for too long for things which are part of the past. I kept on replying my regrets and what if's as if they are important to me. They are not. They are situations and things of the past. I should never look back.
I got distracted by the devil and because of that the atmosphere around me dropped at negative zero.
Today I had the wonderful opportunity of attending ARISE service by the Waikato Uni. I am half-hearted about it but I always remind myself that whenever I don't want to go. I NEED to go. They have a guest speaker from Melbourne and his name is Pastor Russel (If I'm not mistaken). He has this funny side of him that could tickle your funny bone. He could pass as a stand up comedian I must say. But he has a greater calling and that is - being a preacher. When he talked about the good stuff I can sincerely say it moved me to tears.
He talked about a lot of things but most importantly, he talked about the scripture which is in John 12:1-8. It is about Martha serving and Mary pouring an expensive perfume in Jesus feet. I have read this scripture before, a couple of times to be exact but God revealed to me things I didn't know a few hours ago.
There are some ministries where we are called to be a Martha to serve and there are some ministries where we are called to be a Mary and worship. I am enlightened by this single sentence. It spoke so much truth that I am shaking from it. Where am I? Where is the Martha in me? Where is the Mary in me? Am I Lazarus? Jesus even if I am so sticky and stinking from being dead, could you bring me back to life to serve and worship you?
The topic is about being an atmosphere changer. How Mary put her best to Jesus by giving the most expensive. It is even said that it is worth a year of wages. It must have been what Mary is saving for her wedding. It is so important to her. She was generous to God that she gave her all and even washed Jesus feet with her hair. I couldn't see a less passionate person than her, having to be lowly and servant like in the presence of Jesus.
If you love God, you love what he loves. Mary didn't just gave her best but she gave on excess. When you love Jesus your best is overflowing in excess. You are just so passionate it shows. It is like strong fragrance that can't be denied or contained.
She didn't care about the opinion of others. If you want to be an atmosphere changer you have to give your fragrance of heaven. The atmosphere of generosity and giving. Another good thing in showing your passion is that it exposes those people who has no passion, the phony ones. Mary's passion and devotion for Jesus exposed the heart of Judas which is a thief.
Christians will not bother if you lift your hands to God in worship. Why would they do that they are doing the same thing. Why are we so scared of showing people that we love God - we do love God and we want them to know. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is how people should see our lives. We should never feel ashamed.
Also, passion to change the atmosphere actually prepares people to receive resurrection/ salvation from God.You being a christian is God's instrument in making other people trust him in many ways. That is what we call being a channel of God's blessings.
God never called you to be BOXED. We box ourselves on being phlegmatic or sanguine. We judge ourselves on the way we eat or the date of our birth or how the stars control the universe. We can never be boxed. Because Jesus can never be boxed. People in the past tried to box him out and roll a stone so that he can't get out. "He is the son of God let's box him and let death take him away" Jesus broke every box there is when HE ROSE AGAIN IN THE THIRD DAY and saved our sins, which proves that even death cannot box him.
Don't let people box you or name you, the name above your name is Jesus, and Jesus is the name above all names.
The devils plan is to box you, to bind you, to restrict you. The only things that can box you is what you allow to. The power of the devil has on you is what you give him to.
We, as Christians are atmosphere changers and we must bring out the passion, the desire, the generosity, the best, the fullest, to our God who deserves it more than ever.So that people around us can feel and see what kind of aroma God has.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dear you
It has been a long time. How are you? I am praying that you are doing great especially with your relationship with God. To be honest I do doubt if I still deserve you. I am NO awesome person that you'd expect. Will you even still like me?
I am quite certain at this time and age romance has become overrated. People do not care much about manners and etiquette. Still my heart hopes and longs for your love. A love not taken out from a fairytale book but something more beautiful than that. I am praying for God to write our lovestory out of his most original works. Our story maynot be perfect but I am praying that it will be heaven sent.
Pray for me. I am losing hope of holding unto you especially because I do not know who you are or where to find you. I am holding and keeping the faith that I'll be able to see you soon.
Things are pretty hard for me nowadays. The loneliness ( as britney spears put it) is killing me. How will I put it? I miss you even if we didn't even met.
And one more thing. How will I know if it is you already and not another lesson (troll) who will just shatter my heart? I am scared to fall inlove and be disappointed like that.
I do not want to selfish or greedy. Just come soon, ok? I will be waiting.
I am planning to go to Australia this coming November. How I wish I'll meet you there.
I am quite certain at this time and age romance has become overrated. People do not care much about manners and etiquette. Still my heart hopes and longs for your love. A love not taken out from a fairytale book but something more beautiful than that. I am praying for God to write our lovestory out of his most original works. Our story maynot be perfect but I am praying that it will be heaven sent.
Pray for me. I am losing hope of holding unto you especially because I do not know who you are or where to find you. I am holding and keeping the faith that I'll be able to see you soon.
Things are pretty hard for me nowadays. The loneliness ( as britney spears put it) is killing me. How will I put it? I miss you even if we didn't even met.
And one more thing. How will I know if it is you already and not another lesson (troll) who will just shatter my heart? I am scared to fall inlove and be disappointed like that.
I do not want to selfish or greedy. Just come soon, ok? I will be waiting.
I am planning to go to Australia this coming November. How I wish I'll meet you there.
Friday, July 22, 2011
My taglishness
There's nothing exciting happening in my life right now, aside from the fact that I am hugely engrossed with korean pop singers. Feeling highschool ang lolah mo!! I mean I don't get to hangout with a lot of people lately. Kulong sa bahay, naglalaro ng dota at nakikipagusap sa mga teenager sa internet!? Mukang akong phedophile. Good thing those people in the internet were almost all girls(almost thinking there is someone taking an alias like me). Out of boredom I let myself be swept away by the illusion that things will fall into place.
I am being a procastinator lately. I am very well aware of that.
Things I should have done a long time ago, nakabitin pa din sa ere. I totally hate myself for being such a slacker but I am not doing anything about it either. Bakit nga ba???
I know I am a terrible liar. Sa totoo lang matatakot ako!!
I am afraid that after all the effort nothing will take place. Tama si Joi nun isang araw (lagi namang tama si Joi lately..)I am being like this because I am one of those people who are afraid to fail.
I want to make it right but everything is a mess now and I don't even know whwere to start. I am so afraid that if I try again, I mean start over again, mauwi nnmn ulit lahat sa wala. That's why i'm being taglish today.
I am either hot or cold.
Which is actually a bad thing..
Ngayon I am undeniably a nutcase to say that I'm alright. I get to be so numb na kasi. Like feelings were invisible parts of my existence. Alam mo un? Un feeling na hindi ka ok pero deep inside masaya ka naman. People always say it is because I have God in my life. (yes it is true. But there is something different to me nowadays and sometimes I don't like it but I makes me feel nice and warm.
O wag magisip ng hentai.
My eyes were open to another side of immature writing. I mean who would have thought na magtatary ako magsulat talaga ng nobela. I did made a fanfic years back with my senpai ellen and it made me the happiest those days. I am actually trying to make the same concept today so i tried working on it Nd found my willing victims in the form of dbsk/tvxq/jyj/homin. Whatever you call them. Un obession ko sa prince of tennis years back, nilipat ko lng sa kanila.
It feels good to have inspiration again. ( in a way it is much better than the anime characters before kasi hallyu stars naman ngayon, in a sense I'm proud na nagmature ng konti ang sanity ko. Although I am still the same cranky, stubborn, unrealistic person that I am.)
I know I just hqve to write it down here. Kahit hindi edited. Kahit mali mali ang grammar, spelling at walang sense. Cause at the end of the day I know it makes sense to me. This is more like my freedom speech. Na sa wakas I can proudly say that even if I was left by my adoroble, lanky, handsome but boring ex boyfriend( I still did sound bitter? Hehe no Offense meant bhe.. You're awesome) i have practically moved on by being inlove with a probable person that doesn't even know that I exist.
Believe it or not I like this relationship better!!
No excuses. No lies. And he can date anyone he wants and I still love him all the same. It's not that I have given up with men and their stuff. But it is way better like this. (I am being sarcastic right now). The truth is I have developed a hating to that kind of species-men at the same time they are terribly cute!
Cge tama walang sense itong blog na ito. Rants. Rants.
What I am trying to say is - I am comfortBle right now being single and cute BUT I am also terrified at the fact that I am not doing anything better at this opportunity of being free.
Get's mo? Ako din eh mejo naguluhan.
Sayang ang time Joan! I always do great in everything I do lalo na when I put my focus unto things. So what happened? There is nothing happening in my life right now (but dbsk and tumblr) and I am not happy about it.
If God wanted me to do great things what kind of things should I do qnd prepare first?
Some answers I do know (yes the stubborn me would always try to wring out the opposite direction) but most of the time I am clueless.
What to do? What to do?
Writing in my ipod mainly because my laptop isn't working and I am not doing anything about it either (pretty annoying right?).
I am a procastinator.
Maybe I should start at making lists and goals. I haven't done that for a very long time.
It's already 12am in the morning. Can I do my list tomorrow?(see what I'm saying?)
Being in a different land, speaking a different language: I am not brave enough to start all over again in here but I have no choice. I know I am better off than other people. In a way, I am very much thankful.
Still, the pain in my heart lingers.
Where do I go from here?
Kahit smile ni Yoochun hindi ako masagot.
Anyway, I have to sleep. Sana kahit sa panaginip parang si Joseph the dreamer ba sabihin sa akin ni Lord ang gagawin. Hehe. Oo na magbabasa ako ng bible, but one can always have immature wishes db? Eh, gusto ko maencounter si Lord sa dreams eh. Masama ba un? Hehe. In a way, I just hope to pass this phase of middle twenty dilemma. Drama ko tlaga, walang problema ndi gawa ng bored na utak.
Anyway, adios tacos!!
Magwrestling pa kami ni God sa panaginip.
I won't let go go unless you bless me!!!
I am being a procastinator lately. I am very well aware of that.
Things I should have done a long time ago, nakabitin pa din sa ere. I totally hate myself for being such a slacker but I am not doing anything about it either. Bakit nga ba???
I know I am a terrible liar. Sa totoo lang matatakot ako!!
I am afraid that after all the effort nothing will take place. Tama si Joi nun isang araw (lagi namang tama si Joi lately..)I am being like this because I am one of those people who are afraid to fail.
I want to make it right but everything is a mess now and I don't even know whwere to start. I am so afraid that if I try again, I mean start over again, mauwi nnmn ulit lahat sa wala. That's why i'm being taglish today.
I am either hot or cold.
Which is actually a bad thing..
Ngayon I am undeniably a nutcase to say that I'm alright. I get to be so numb na kasi. Like feelings were invisible parts of my existence. Alam mo un? Un feeling na hindi ka ok pero deep inside masaya ka naman. People always say it is because I have God in my life. (yes it is true. But there is something different to me nowadays and sometimes I don't like it but I makes me feel nice and warm.
O wag magisip ng hentai.
My eyes were open to another side of immature writing. I mean who would have thought na magtatary ako magsulat talaga ng nobela. I did made a fanfic years back with my senpai ellen and it made me the happiest those days. I am actually trying to make the same concept today so i tried working on it Nd found my willing victims in the form of dbsk/tvxq/jyj/homin. Whatever you call them. Un obession ko sa prince of tennis years back, nilipat ko lng sa kanila.
It feels good to have inspiration again. ( in a way it is much better than the anime characters before kasi hallyu stars naman ngayon, in a sense I'm proud na nagmature ng konti ang sanity ko. Although I am still the same cranky, stubborn, unrealistic person that I am.)
I know I just hqve to write it down here. Kahit hindi edited. Kahit mali mali ang grammar, spelling at walang sense. Cause at the end of the day I know it makes sense to me. This is more like my freedom speech. Na sa wakas I can proudly say that even if I was left by my adoroble, lanky, handsome but boring ex boyfriend( I still did sound bitter? Hehe no Offense meant bhe.. You're awesome) i have practically moved on by being inlove with a probable person that doesn't even know that I exist.
Believe it or not I like this relationship better!!
No excuses. No lies. And he can date anyone he wants and I still love him all the same. It's not that I have given up with men and their stuff. But it is way better like this. (I am being sarcastic right now). The truth is I have developed a hating to that kind of species-men at the same time they are terribly cute!
Cge tama walang sense itong blog na ito. Rants. Rants.
What I am trying to say is - I am comfortBle right now being single and cute BUT I am also terrified at the fact that I am not doing anything better at this opportunity of being free.
Get's mo? Ako din eh mejo naguluhan.
Sayang ang time Joan! I always do great in everything I do lalo na when I put my focus unto things. So what happened? There is nothing happening in my life right now (but dbsk and tumblr) and I am not happy about it.
If God wanted me to do great things what kind of things should I do qnd prepare first?
Some answers I do know (yes the stubborn me would always try to wring out the opposite direction) but most of the time I am clueless.
What to do? What to do?
Writing in my ipod mainly because my laptop isn't working and I am not doing anything about it either (pretty annoying right?).
I am a procastinator.
Maybe I should start at making lists and goals. I haven't done that for a very long time.
It's already 12am in the morning. Can I do my list tomorrow?(see what I'm saying?)
Being in a different land, speaking a different language: I am not brave enough to start all over again in here but I have no choice. I know I am better off than other people. In a way, I am very much thankful.
Still, the pain in my heart lingers.
Where do I go from here?
Kahit smile ni Yoochun hindi ako masagot.
Anyway, I have to sleep. Sana kahit sa panaginip parang si Joseph the dreamer ba sabihin sa akin ni Lord ang gagawin. Hehe. Oo na magbabasa ako ng bible, but one can always have immature wishes db? Eh, gusto ko maencounter si Lord sa dreams eh. Masama ba un? Hehe. In a way, I just hope to pass this phase of middle twenty dilemma. Drama ko tlaga, walang problema ndi gawa ng bored na utak.
Anyway, adios tacos!!
Magwrestling pa kami ni God sa panaginip.
I won't let go go unless you bless me!!!
forgive me this post is not relevant,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Give Me Five Monday
Give Me Five People You would like to spend a day with:
Jung Yunho (I would like to marry this guy.. *pouts* of course I can't he's married)
Shim Changmin (Food? Who got more food to feed this guy? Don't let him shout)
Kim Junsu (Athletic, Angelic, Charisma, Cuteness,)
Kim Jaejoong (Sexy - *faints*)
Park Yoochun (one word = BIAS)
I think I don't need to explain it right? DBSK? ring a bell? I'm too much of a FAN. Forgive me for this post I know it is a bit awkward to write of my five crushes here (hey, old maids can have crushes too you know.)
This blog is about Life Lessons right? OOOppss. sorry I spammed my wrong blog. Anyway, I wish to post something soon too but these guys are keeping me occupied for a while so no write ups for me here.. *sobs* I'm too inspired to write (PARDON: I sing and dance when I'm inspired. I write when I'm off that happy mood.)
Jung Yunho (I would like to marry this guy.. *pouts* of course I can't he's married)
Shim Changmin (Food? Who got more food to feed this guy? Don't let him shout)
Kim Junsu (Athletic, Angelic, Charisma, Cuteness,)
Kim Jaejoong (Sexy - *faints*)
Park Yoochun (one word = BIAS)
I think I don't need to explain it right? DBSK? ring a bell? I'm too much of a FAN. Forgive me for this post I know it is a bit awkward to write of my five crushes here (hey, old maids can have crushes too you know.)
This blog is about Life Lessons right? OOOppss. sorry I spammed my wrong blog. Anyway, I wish to post something soon too but these guys are keeping me occupied for a while so no write ups for me here.. *sobs* I'm too inspired to write (PARDON: I sing and dance when I'm inspired. I write when I'm off that happy mood.)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Give Me Five Monday
Give Me Five Places in the World You'd Like to Live for a Year
meme blogger,
signed off..
meme blogger,
signed off..
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Hand to Hold
My breathing is uneven and I am gasping for oxygen. I held unto something hoping it could be sturdy enough to support my almost lifeless self.
I am having nightmares again.
And I am fully aware of it.
My hand, all sweaty and done for, tried to gather all of its remaining strength to hoist myself up from falling the towering structure. I am definitely in the brink of giving up when suddenly another hand hold me up on the opposite end. That person tried to encourage me;
"I will not let you go."
"Believe in me."
"Trust me."
"Have faith in me."
"I will NEVER let go."
'Oh such sweet words,' I muttered to myself.
So I held tighter, timidly anticipating the worst but trusting otherwise. I began to feel that he had loosened a bit of my hand. As if he was weary himself. He couldn't be.
He promised.
'Don't let go of me,' I demanded under my breath, fearing my close encounter with death.
'I don't know anymore,' those were his words piercing my heart.
'What?' I asked mournfully at his change of mind.
'I'm not sure' he said. 'I think it's not worth it anymore.'
Then he let go of my hands.
I felt my feet jerked up from my bed.
I woke up.
Definitely a nigthmare.
I felt numb as I stained my sheets with tears. It was a perfectly wonderful evening as the fat yellow moon sat by the branches. I was tossing and turning in my bed trying to kick out the horrible feeling to put myself back to sleep. There were a thousand emotions swirling my sluggish mind.
Endings are hard. I took it pretty battered up and staggered. Everyone has their own way to deal with this pain differently. As for me, it took me longer to absorb the changes and begin again.
We have no other means but broke it off via the internet. I want to imagine that our conversation wasn't forced. I let myself believe that it is a mutual understanding of detachment. More of his side than mine,still with my consent.
Endings are a part of life. It is one of life's never ending cycles. Good and bad, weeping and laughter, to love and to hate, birth and death. That's why we have transitions in life like graduations, weddings and funerals.
My turning point was pretty devastating.
Still it taught me a few things. First is that endings are actually necessary. Some good things just have to end. Like long bubble baths, or a fascinating book, an interesting movie, a weekend getaway, or even a two year relationship with a great guy. As much as I never wanted it to end I know it will get me nowhere if I continue on. In the long run, it will just hurt more.
So I tried to see beauty from pain.
I marvel at the exquisite beauty of roses. In order to create perfection beyond our imaginations, it has to be pruned to grow back healthier leaves. Sometimes things (or people for that matter) need to be cut off from our lives so we can heal and blossom. It doesn't mean that he is not an amazing guy because he is. He was just not the best choice, God's choice. Even if I persisted, cried, and growled, I know deep in my heart that it was not him. God has a different plan in mind.
I know even if endings come to life God will not leave me in a place of despair. Bleary-eyed, I look up and smile as it begins to settle in my heart that God really is in control. He knows what He's doing.
And I trust Him.
Then just one night, the bad dreams started to disappear. Another hand holding me, hugging me even. It was firmer, gentler, it was a hand more secure than the first.
I am holding God's hand.
>.< I wouldn't want to offend anyone. Sorry if I did.I'm not actually sorry, sorry. Still... I am crossing my fingers to continue expressing like this. I have never felt more alive my entire life. I know I had given up a long time ago with my writing crap but give me chance. Just one more time. I'll try hard to write lame honest feelings. You are free to comment here. Yup, even as anon (I'm scared of anon!) if you want me to shut up.
I am having nightmares again.
And I am fully aware of it.
My hand, all sweaty and done for, tried to gather all of its remaining strength to hoist myself up from falling the towering structure. I am definitely in the brink of giving up when suddenly another hand hold me up on the opposite end. That person tried to encourage me;
"I will not let you go."
"Believe in me."
"Trust me."
"Have faith in me."
"I will NEVER let go."
'Oh such sweet words,' I muttered to myself.
So I held tighter, timidly anticipating the worst but trusting otherwise. I began to feel that he had loosened a bit of my hand. As if he was weary himself. He couldn't be.
He promised.
'Don't let go of me,' I demanded under my breath, fearing my close encounter with death.
'I don't know anymore,' those were his words piercing my heart.
'What?' I asked mournfully at his change of mind.
'I'm not sure' he said. 'I think it's not worth it anymore.'
Then he let go of my hands.
I felt my feet jerked up from my bed.
I woke up.
Definitely a nigthmare.
I felt numb as I stained my sheets with tears. It was a perfectly wonderful evening as the fat yellow moon sat by the branches. I was tossing and turning in my bed trying to kick out the horrible feeling to put myself back to sleep. There were a thousand emotions swirling my sluggish mind.
Endings are hard. I took it pretty battered up and staggered. Everyone has their own way to deal with this pain differently. As for me, it took me longer to absorb the changes and begin again.
We have no other means but broke it off via the internet. I want to imagine that our conversation wasn't forced. I let myself believe that it is a mutual understanding of detachment. More of his side than mine,still with my consent.
Endings are a part of life. It is one of life's never ending cycles. Good and bad, weeping and laughter, to love and to hate, birth and death. That's why we have transitions in life like graduations, weddings and funerals.
My turning point was pretty devastating.
Still it taught me a few things. First is that endings are actually necessary. Some good things just have to end. Like long bubble baths, or a fascinating book, an interesting movie, a weekend getaway, or even a two year relationship with a great guy. As much as I never wanted it to end I know it will get me nowhere if I continue on. In the long run, it will just hurt more.
So I tried to see beauty from pain.
I marvel at the exquisite beauty of roses. In order to create perfection beyond our imaginations, it has to be pruned to grow back healthier leaves. Sometimes things (or people for that matter) need to be cut off from our lives so we can heal and blossom. It doesn't mean that he is not an amazing guy because he is. He was just not the best choice, God's choice. Even if I persisted, cried, and growled, I know deep in my heart that it was not him. God has a different plan in mind.
I know even if endings come to life God will not leave me in a place of despair. Bleary-eyed, I look up and smile as it begins to settle in my heart that God really is in control. He knows what He's doing.
And I trust Him.
Then just one night, the bad dreams started to disappear. Another hand holding me, hugging me even. It was firmer, gentler, it was a hand more secure than the first.
I am holding God's hand.
>.< I wouldn't want to offend anyone. Sorry if I did.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The beginning of the end
The final send off came in blur. One moment it was alright, the next thing I knew it was over. I've felt the indifference but I couldn't accept it.
This is my story.
My story starts at one ending.
There was pleading, and yes I sounded desperate. There was denial and it felt like a nightmare. There was anger, resentment and bitterness. I was depressed, confused and hurt. Yes, indeed, it was the end.
How I survived the last moments of our relationship I couldn't fully remember. All I knew at that time is that my heart, also, has died.
When it comes to break-ups everyone seems likely to have an opinion.
"Forget about it."
"There are other fish in the sea"
"You deserve better"
"It's his lost."
"Just get over it."
But how?
How do you get rid of the aweful kicked-in-the-stomach feeling? How do you begin again?
I'm in a journey of discovering the onset of my new life. But before I welcome the firstfruits of spring I must toil the hard land Of the past winter.
I am not an expert in moving on but I have a story. I have to admit it's not very engaging especially in the beginning. My story is about endings and sometimes it could be painful.
So where do I actually begin? Oh yes, I must begin with my ending.
*note: I'll be writing it tomorrow or on Friday. My mind is on hiatus that's why I could only come up with a few lame sentences. I would really like to share my diary and the lessons God taught me these past few months so whoever that's reading this hope you wouldn't be bored. =P
This is my story.
My story starts at one ending.
There was pleading, and yes I sounded desperate. There was denial and it felt like a nightmare. There was anger, resentment and bitterness. I was depressed, confused and hurt. Yes, indeed, it was the end.
How I survived the last moments of our relationship I couldn't fully remember. All I knew at that time is that my heart, also, has died.
When it comes to break-ups everyone seems likely to have an opinion.
"Forget about it."
"There are other fish in the sea"
"You deserve better"
"It's his lost."
"Just get over it."
But how?
How do you get rid of the aweful kicked-in-the-stomach feeling? How do you begin again?
I'm in a journey of discovering the onset of my new life. But before I welcome the firstfruits of spring I must toil the hard land Of the past winter.
I am not an expert in moving on but I have a story. I have to admit it's not very engaging especially in the beginning. My story is about endings and sometimes it could be painful.
So where do I actually begin? Oh yes, I must begin with my ending.
*note: I'll be writing it tomorrow or on Friday. My mind is on hiatus that's why I could only come up with a few lame sentences. I would really like to share my diary and the lessons God taught me these past few months so whoever that's reading this hope you wouldn't be bored. =P
Friday, June 10, 2011
The man worth My Wait.
This girl has the same sentiments as me. So here she goes. She couldn't say it better.
An excerpt from I Will Wait For You by Janette..Ikz
I will no longer get weighed down,
From so-called friends & family talks,
About the concern for my biological clock
When I serve the Author of Time.
Who is NOT subject to time,
But I’M subject to Him.
He has the ability to STOP, FAST FORWARD, PAUSE, or REWIND at any given time…
So if we could role play,
You would be Abraham & I would be Sara
Or you can be Isaac & I can be Rebecca – a servant’s answered prayer
I am bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh,
Made up of your rib Adam!
And once we meet, like electrons
I will be bound to your nucleus, completely indivisible atom.
We even speak the same math: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, which really equals 1 if you add Him.
We were all created in His image,
But you have the ability to reflect, project & even detect the Son.
If I were to explain what you looked like,
You would have to look like a star,
A son of the Son..
I would gain energy simply from the light on me.
I would need you , in order to complete my photosynthesis
I await your revelation, but once again from the genesis, I will wait for you.
I will know you…
Because when you speak I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom,
Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses,
Your faith will remind me of Abraham,
Your confidence in God’s Word will remind me of Daniel,
Your inspiration will remind me of Paul,
Your heart for God will remind me of David,
Your attention to detail will remind me of Noah,
Your integrity will remind me of Joseph,
And your ability to abandon your own will, will remind me of the disciples, But Your ability to love selflessly & unconditionally will remind me of Christ.
But I won’t need to identify you by any special Matthews or any special Marks, 'cause His word will be tatted all over your heart.
And you will know me, and you will find me, where…
The boldness of Esther meets the warm closeness of Ruth.
Where the hospitality of Lydia is aligned with the submission of Mary,
Which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hanna.
I will be the one, drenched in Proverbs 31… waiting for you.
An excerpt from I Will Wait For You by Janette..Ikz
I will no longer get weighed down,
From so-called friends & family talks,
About the concern for my biological clock
When I serve the Author of Time.
Who is NOT subject to time,
But I’M subject to Him.
He has the ability to STOP, FAST FORWARD, PAUSE, or REWIND at any given time…
So if we could role play,
You would be Abraham & I would be Sara
Or you can be Isaac & I can be Rebecca – a servant’s answered prayer
I am bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh,
Made up of your rib Adam!
And once we meet, like electrons
I will be bound to your nucleus, completely indivisible atom.
We even speak the same math: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, which really equals 1 if you add Him.
We were all created in His image,
But you have the ability to reflect, project & even detect the Son.
If I were to explain what you looked like,
You would have to look like a star,
A son of the Son..
I would gain energy simply from the light on me.
I would need you , in order to complete my photosynthesis
I await your revelation, but once again from the genesis, I will wait for you.
I will know you…
Because when you speak I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom,
Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses,
Your faith will remind me of Abraham,
Your confidence in God’s Word will remind me of Daniel,
Your inspiration will remind me of Paul,
Your heart for God will remind me of David,
Your attention to detail will remind me of Noah,
Your integrity will remind me of Joseph,
And your ability to abandon your own will, will remind me of the disciples, But Your ability to love selflessly & unconditionally will remind me of Christ.
But I won’t need to identify you by any special Matthews or any special Marks, 'cause His word will be tatted all over your heart.
And you will know me, and you will find me, where…
The boldness of Esther meets the warm closeness of Ruth.
Where the hospitality of Lydia is aligned with the submission of Mary,
Which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hanna.
I will be the one, drenched in Proverbs 31… waiting for you.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Walking on Water (1)
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
'...He walked on the water... to Jesus.'Matthew 14:29 NKJV
The disciples were out fishing one night when a huge storm struck. At about 3am they were terrified by a figure approaching them on the water. '...Immediately Jesus spoke... "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid"...Peter answered... "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You"...So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water... to Jesus' (Matthew 14:27-29 NKJV).
This story teaches us, first, that if the Lord doesn't call us to do it, don't! There's a story about a man standing at the gates of Heaven. Peter says, 'Name one great deed you've done.' The man replies, 'Well, a gang of bikers was threatening a woman so I smacked them, kicked over their bikes and ripped out their nose rings.' Impressed, Peter asks, 'When did this happen?' The man answers, 'About 30 seconds ago!' To walk on water you must learn to discern between God's voice and your own impulses.
Second, it teaches us that to experience miracles, we must get out of our comfort zone. Exchange places with Peter. The storm is raging and he's afraid. The boat's secure and comfortable. Wouldn't you want to stay there? But you can't. God designed you to do more than simply avoid failure; He's calling you to step out in faith and accomplish things. You say, 'What's my boat?' It's anything you put your faith in when life gets stormy, like a job or a relationship. Your boat is anything that stops you from getting out of your comfort zone. Leaving it is the scariest but most rewarding step you'll ever take!
***** Water Walking. The one important thing I have been learning lately. This lesson keeps on popping up like popcorns in my life. I think God wants me to do something and get out of my comfort zone. The thing is, there are so much that I am afraid of that I don't know where God is leading me. Because I have learned that there's a thin line between obedience and impulses. I want to know if it is God willing or not.
I am in my comfort zone right now. I am not embracing the truth and facing the people I should have had talked to a long time ago. It was stupid of me but fear kept on hanging my sleeves. I couldn't move forward if I do not settle the things of my past. I have had, in a sense, left behind a few things unnecessary for my growth (in God's direction and beautiful revelations). But still.. I am still inside the boat. I know I am. God is telling me I am. I want to get out of this boat. I want to do something. It is in my heart to walk in water.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Live Between the Steps
Monday, 25 April 2011
'This is the day the Lord has made...'Psalm 118:24 NKJV
There's a built-in danger in goal-setting. What is it? It's believing we'll only be happy when we reach those goals. We tell ourselves, 'When I graduate, get married, have children, own my own home', and so on, so we keep postponing life.
A university professor tells of being invited to speak at a military base and meeting a soldier named Ralph at the airport. After they introduced themselves they headed towards baggage claim. As they walked down the concourse Ralph kept disappearing, once to help an older woman whose suitcase had fallen open, once to lift up two toddlers so they could see Santa Claus, and again to give directions to someone who was lost. Each time he came back with a big smile on his face. 'Where did you learn to live like that?' the professor asked. 'Oh,' Ralph said, 'during the war, I guess.' Then he told the professor about his last tour of duty, how it was his job to detect mines, and how he watched his friends blown up before his eyes, one after another. 'I learned to live between steps,' he said. 'I never knew whether the next step would be my last, so I learned to get everything I could out of the moment between when I picked up my foot and put it down again. Every step I took was a whole new world, and I guess I've been living that way ever since.'
Ralph had it right! To get the most out of living we must live by the Scripture: 'This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.'
*** It's been while since I posted my devotions here it really felt revolting after quite sometime. I am saving a few pages of my journal because I haven't got enough time buying one these past few days. =P
There were some people who visited us this weekend from Whangarei whom are friends with my mother. I have never seen them before and they stayed for 2 nights in the house. I was just quite resentful at first because I have other plans but took it plainly before they got here. And this devotion reminded me that in every situation live faithfully and happily. Which I did. I am not sure about the other members of the family but I actually kind of like those people. They were nice when you get to know them. The reaching out part will always come from someone first.
Helping them in little ways, helping other people in some kind of way, is a bliss. When you know that you have done something to make another happy it is what we call living. I am merely living right now and I want to experience the fullness of God's joy through other people. I may never know when is my last breath. Last week I almost had a road accident. The almost part gives me chills but God's protection is so divine it didn't even happened (but thinking what could have been is awful). Living and letting others live is such a happy place. We are living in a battlefield of lost hopes, rejections, hurts and pains. The valleys are long and the nights dark. I have so much to learn about this but guess what? God is not finished with me yet and so He is with you..
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Dear You
Dear You,
It is the first full moon of spring (Paschal full moon, as they call it) but here in the other side of the world we are enjoying the soft breeze of autumn. The moon is shining brightly, elegant and majestic as ever as it is cradled by the branches of trees in the darkness. My heart is once again captivated by the beauty of He who loves my soul.
Can you see it? Can you look at the moon and think about me wondering if we are both staring at the exquisite boast of nature? I wonder.
It could have been euphoric if you can only be with me right now. Inhaling the goodness of this very moment. But I will not choose to be with you now. Not because I am not thrilled of having you but because I am not ready for such greediness. You and I belong to Him and I can't wait to meet you in mutual exclusiveness. For now, my heart in utter exploration to the fullness of His love cannot accept such generosity of having you.
We can wait. We can always look at the moon separately every now and then. It is a usual reminder for me that wherever you are, we are always looking on the same side of the moon and to the ONE who made it so wonderful.
It is the first full moon of spring (Paschal full moon, as they call it) but here in the other side of the world we are enjoying the soft breeze of autumn. The moon is shining brightly, elegant and majestic as ever as it is cradled by the branches of trees in the darkness. My heart is once again captivated by the beauty of He who loves my soul.
Can you see it? Can you look at the moon and think about me wondering if we are both staring at the exquisite boast of nature? I wonder.
It could have been euphoric if you can only be with me right now. Inhaling the goodness of this very moment. But I will not choose to be with you now. Not because I am not thrilled of having you but because I am not ready for such greediness. You and I belong to Him and I can't wait to meet you in mutual exclusiveness. For now, my heart in utter exploration to the fullness of His love cannot accept such generosity of having you.
We can wait. We can always look at the moon separately every now and then. It is a usual reminder for me that wherever you are, we are always looking on the same side of the moon and to the ONE who made it so wonderful.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Rules for Living
Sunday, 13 March 2011
'His... power has given us everything we need for life...'2 Peter 1:3 NIV
Here are three rules for living. First, learn to control the climate around you. Negativity is contagious; look out for its 'carriers'. Love them, lift them, but don't let them infect you. Filter what people say to you through God's Word. '...God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power (ability and a can-do attitude) and of love (which always looks for the best) and of a sound mind (which is stable and consistent)' (2 Timothy1:7 NKJV).
Second, learn to laugh at yourself. A woman who'd been given a lovely plant took it home, watered it, fertilised it and set it in the sun. A year later she discovered it was silk - and she still laughs about it. When you're secure in God's love and approval you can laugh at yourself; it's a mark of spiritual maturity.
Third, learn to factor God in. Ever hear of the 90/10 rule? When 90 per cent of the circumstances are uncontrollable, focus on the 10 per cent you can do something about. Paul did that. '...We were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. Nevertheless God...' (2 Corinthians 7:5-6 KJV). Note the words 'Nevertheless God'. When you're facing a mountain always remember: God can move it, He can level it, He can tunnel through it, or He can help you climb it. All you have to do is factor Him in by seeking His face and consulting His Word. 'Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...' (Colossians 3:16 KJV). Keep a rich deposit of Scripture within you and draw on it daily.
**** I know I need to be reminded of these things. By now I am beginning to be upbeat and positive again. I couldn't change the situation but I can always change my attitude. I just had a bad week. My robots kept on having a mind of its own. My workmate asked me, "How can you smile in this kind of situation?" I told him, "I couldn't fix it by being grumpy. Might as well give myself a break." Positive attitude really does pay off. You can work well, relate well and do better. Nothing beats a nice smile in a horrific situation.
Also in those times, I laugh. Yes, I could be really hard at myself but at the same time I can now fully accept that I can make mistakes, and its okay. We all do make mistakes. The thing is if I am secure on God's love that in whatever I do even if I fail He can still love me, why not as well just give credit to experience and laugh about it. God still loves me.
And Yes, what is the best thing to do in every situation? It is to involve God in everything you do. I keep it do a point to remember that I cannot change a lot of things. God has the power to settle a lot of my mistakes. BUT it is not an excuse not to do anything at all too. All these things give it to God and do the things I reckon I could change.God will do most of the things for me. This devotion taught me that 90% of my circumstances are uncontrollable, don't look at these things. Rather, focus on the remaining 10% and do something about it.
I am awed by the fact that I can do a good and happy life. I should just go for it, smile, laugh and give it all to God.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
My Tears for the Land of the Rising Sun
Japan had a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake yesterday March 12, 2011 at around 2:46 pm. It was centered near the east coast that could kill hundreds of people. This earthquake caused a huge tsunami to engulf the the towns and farmlands in inland Miyagi Perfecture. Buildings shook, heaved and collapsed by the score, and numerous fires ignited. Some trains were derailed, it tossed boats and cars like toys. Thousands of people want missing.
My heart was trampled like rubbish when I saw the video. It was devastating to see as if I am watching a movie only now it is real. I couldn't imagine how the people could run and be safe in that kind of situation. Deep in my heart I wish I could carry them and put them away from danger.
Japan has always been close to my heart. It is one of the places I wish to go and explore about. Not only because of it's beauty but also because of the culture in which I am most fascinated with. I wish to know the locals, take a bath in the hot springs, walk about the cherry blossoms, watch the fireworks by the Tokyo skyline, eat tasty food (like sushi's, donburi and yakisoba), walk the busy pedestrians, and shop till I drop in those awesome gadget stores, cute dress shops and anime hubs.
Japan is like home away from home.
It was terrible when I heard the news. I have great respect and love for the Japanese people. I hope that the people alive will be alright, those missing be found and those sadly that passed away be at peace.
I am praying that despite this tragedy Japan could get up from it's devastating state and rise again. Japan is the land of the rising sun afterall and by that it gives me hope that somewhow even if it takes a long time and it is hard Japan will get up and see the sun straight ahead.
My heart was trampled like rubbish when I saw the video. It was devastating to see as if I am watching a movie only now it is real. I couldn't imagine how the people could run and be safe in that kind of situation. Deep in my heart I wish I could carry them and put them away from danger.
Japan has always been close to my heart. It is one of the places I wish to go and explore about. Not only because of it's beauty but also because of the culture in which I am most fascinated with. I wish to know the locals, take a bath in the hot springs, walk about the cherry blossoms, watch the fireworks by the Tokyo skyline, eat tasty food (like sushi's, donburi and yakisoba), walk the busy pedestrians, and shop till I drop in those awesome gadget stores, cute dress shops and anime hubs.
Japan is like home away from home.
It was terrible when I heard the news. I have great respect and love for the Japanese people. I hope that the people alive will be alright, those missing be found and those sadly that passed away be at peace.
I am praying that despite this tragedy Japan could get up from it's devastating state and rise again. Japan is the land of the rising sun afterall and by that it gives me hope that somewhow even if it takes a long time and it is hard Japan will get up and see the sun straight ahead.
You Must be Faithful
Saturday, 12 March 2011
'...He was faithful to God, who appointed him...'Hebrews 3:2 NLT
Faithfulness is more than just a nice concept; you must be faithful to something or someone. Actually, it's in making and keeping commitments to others that we demonstrate our faithfulness to God. '... And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord...' (Colossians 3:17 NKJV). That means to be seen by Him, to bring glory to Him, and to be rewarded by Him.
If you don't love those around you, you don't really love God. Jesus put it this way: '...In as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me' (Matthew 25:40 NKJV). The Greek word for faithful means 'to be trustworthy and reliable'. When you give your word, can you be trusted to keep it? Many of us just aren't reliable. We can't be counted on to do what we say. It doesn't matter how gifted you are, if you're not trustworthy God cannot use you. And God will test you! How? By assigning you to do something for a period of time that you don't want to do, something that's not fun or exciting, something that may require you to submit to someone else's authority, something you chafe under. Then He will say to you, 'Just be faithful.' And faithfulness is not merely showing up day after day - it's showing up with a good attitude.
God rewards that kind of faithfulness. Jesus said, '...If you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?' (Luke 16:12 NIV). Simply stated, if you want to be successful, you must be faithful.
**** When I saw this devotion there is one thing in my mind "It could have been better if a certain someone reads this! It will show him what faithfulness is all about!"
BUT when I finished reading I recognized my lack of faithfulness. God's word is not ONLY for the people I am thinking about ONLY because they were unfaithful to me before. It is also an issue about me and my selfishness.
I know I have been unfaithful to God whenever I quit the responsibilities entrusted to me. I am no longer a person who can be trusted because of my past. But God gave me a second chance, His redeeming love made me realize where I got it wrong and honor whatever commitments I have today. What I have done to someone or to some commitments I have to do it for the Lord. I have to be trustworthy on what I have and what is entrusted to me. I have to keep my word and be faithful to everything that I say. I shouldn't commit into something I couldn't stand up for.
Faithfulness is about God and how well I could keep up with the words I say to Him and obeying him. A word not said is better than broken promises. I am praying to be faithful.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Finishing Strong
Thursday, 10 March 2011
'...I have finished my course...'2 Timothy 4:7 KJV
The course God sets before us is seldom easy. Running it takes commitment. James MacDonald says, 'I've lived long enough to know men and women whose lives were sold out to God a few years ago, but who've since walked off the track... gone AWOL... lost their longing for God. Fear of following in their footsteps haunts me... and it should you, too... The faithfulness of my walk with God depends on my willingness to stay in a relationship with Him. I never want to lose the grip His greatness has on my life and the privilege it is to... serve Him till the day I'm welcomed into His presence. That passion compels me. It keeps me honest and humble... the last thing I want to do is crawl across the finish line a defeated, derailed Christian, or worse - give up the race before my life's over. I want to break that tape with arms high, my face to the sun.'
Paul said, '...I have finished my course... Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown...' (2 Timothy 4:7-8 KJV). Notice, courage plus endurance plus faithfulness equals reward. Photographer Jacob Riis said, 'When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it will split in two, and I know it wasn't the last blow that did it, but all the blows that have gone before.'
God's Word is '...a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces...' (Jeremiah 23:29 NKJV). So, '[hold] fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ [you'll] have reason to glory because [you] did not run in vain...' (Philippians 2:16 NAS).
*** I am praying to finish strong. Yes, I am weak in every aspect but it is God that is the strength in my weakness. I found this devotion interesting because I have had always wanted to quit into something but in the end if God permits me to have it He always has a way to give it back. God wants to test my endurance. He wants me to finish strong. He wants me to be better.
I am praying that the Lord will give back what I had lost - my self respect. I had trampled myself into something I was not proud of. I exchanged short uneventful bliss than being in the joy of the Lord. It was the regret that causes me pain. I do not want to look back rather move forward. Those in the past were the stepping stones of a better me "today" and eventually "tomorrow." God knows my future.
I remember a friend saying to me that faith is like carrying a flashlight inside a dark cave. You cannot see a lot ahead but enough to make another step ahead. I am taking another step and I believe God will let me finish strong.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Dear You
Dear you,
Today has been a day of unexpected calmness. Yes, I am thinking of you but at the same time I’m falling more in Love with Him, and it’s so beautiful. However, endless possibilities of what we can do together have conquered my mind. I want us to be spontaneous and try new things together. I want to leave you cute little post-it notes telling you how much I love you. I want to cook dinner and maybe we could put up candles and pretty glasswares for fun.I want to dance with you with the rhythm of our hearts. I want us to sing together, drive to various places and laugh all the time. I want us to be happy through it all, because we have hope in Christ, and we know that He is our overcomer. I’m so excited to spend days like these with you.
It's autumn and the air seems colder than the usual but it wouldn't take the simplicity of warm hearts that could be put together. The breeze is freezing but the sunshine bursts like little sparkles of hope. I want us to roam the streets of Hamilton, hand in hand, smiling until the moon hovers the skies. I want us to have picnic in the beautiful Rose garden and feed ducks by the lake.
People think that romance is overrated, and I am aware that love isn't always romantic. I am certain that love hurts, but I still believe romance is beautiful. Courtship is beautiful. A love blessed by God is beautiful.
The sun is shining brightly. So whatever we do in life, whether here, or elsewhere, I hope we can both embrace the beauty of life together, and smile every chance we get.
I am praying for you. There could be chance that this could happen soon or maybe it could take sometime. But for that cause I pledge to wait. My heart longs for you and at the same time I am at peace.
I love you and I'm falling more inlove with Him too. He is beautiful. My heart is truly captivated by Him and I know so are you.
See you soon.
- Me.
Today has been a day of unexpected calmness. Yes, I am thinking of you but at the same time I’m falling more in Love with Him, and it’s so beautiful. However, endless possibilities of what we can do together have conquered my mind. I want us to be spontaneous and try new things together. I want to leave you cute little post-it notes telling you how much I love you. I want to cook dinner and maybe we could put up candles and pretty glasswares for fun.I want to dance with you with the rhythm of our hearts. I want us to sing together, drive to various places and laugh all the time. I want us to be happy through it all, because we have hope in Christ, and we know that He is our overcomer. I’m so excited to spend days like these with you.
It's autumn and the air seems colder than the usual but it wouldn't take the simplicity of warm hearts that could be put together. The breeze is freezing but the sunshine bursts like little sparkles of hope. I want us to roam the streets of Hamilton, hand in hand, smiling until the moon hovers the skies. I want us to have picnic in the beautiful Rose garden and feed ducks by the lake.
People think that romance is overrated, and I am aware that love isn't always romantic. I am certain that love hurts, but I still believe romance is beautiful. Courtship is beautiful. A love blessed by God is beautiful.
The sun is shining brightly. So whatever we do in life, whether here, or elsewhere, I hope we can both embrace the beauty of life together, and smile every chance we get.
I am praying for you. There could be chance that this could happen soon or maybe it could take sometime. But for that cause I pledge to wait. My heart longs for you and at the same time I am at peace.
I love you and I'm falling more inlove with Him too. He is beautiful. My heart is truly captivated by Him and I know so are you.
See you soon.
- Me.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Delay of Christmas
Sermon by Pastor Don
Gateway Church.
December 19, 2010
** Notes of an awed believer touched by God. My own version and understanding of the sermon **
God is a God of promise and keeps/fulfills His promises as well.
* God's questionable delay
Bible Text: Mark 5:22-43
22Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet
23and implored Him earnestly, saying, "My little daughter is at the point of death; please come and lay Your hands on her, so that she will get well and live." 24 So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.
25 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
31 “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ”
32 But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. 33 Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. 34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
35 While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”
36 Overhearing[a] what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
37 He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. 38 When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. 39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” 40 But they laughed at him.
After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). 42 Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. 43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.
The first story is about a woman subject to bleeding for twelve years. She herself suffered long enough to finally redeemed herself and be healed but the main story of this subject is about Jairus and his daughter. (There would be another long good topic for the story of this woman but for now let us focus on Jairus).
Jairus came first to Jesus but because of the interruption of the woman the answer to his request came late.
Jesus was still speaking to the woman when people came to Jairus saying "It's too late, she's dead. Don't bother Jesus anymore" (vv.35) It is good as saying as "It's not worth it anymore. You cannot undo the irreversible. She's dead. No hope. No future."
I could fairly imagine how Jairus felt that time. Maybe I would ask: How could this happen? I came to him in time but there are so many things around that came up. Isn't the pain of losing my daughter too trivial that it should be set aside? What hope is there left when she's dead?
But still Jesus answered: "Do not be afraid. Just believe."
In the midst of failing hope God wants us to believe.
Why are there delays in our innermost requests?
-Remember God see's what we don't. God is always one step ahead from us. He knows what is best.
-God is not impressed. No one can earn God's favor - it's GRACE.
Delay EXPOSES/REVEALS our heart.
Never think that delay cause it rather it reveals it.
-God is never late, but owes the opportunity of not getting early.
So what happened to Jairus?
Jesus came to the house held the little girls' hand and told him softly. “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). She stood up began to walk and went to eat.
In my version it is the same as saying " Sweetheart, stand up. Walk. Build your strength."
Jesus has the POWER.
God always comes through. It is not over. Stand up!
Don't confuse your agenda for Him. He delayed not to frustrate but to save me because God knows my heart. He knows I'm not ready for it.
Wait in God.
Don't lose heart.
Don't Give up.
Gateway Church.
December 19, 2010
** Notes of an awed believer touched by God. My own version and understanding of the sermon **
God is a God of promise and keeps/fulfills His promises as well.
* God's questionable delay
Bible Text: Mark 5:22-43
22Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet
23and implored Him earnestly, saying, "My little daughter is at the point of death; please come and lay Your hands on her, so that she will get well and live." 24 So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.
25 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
31 “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ”
32 But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. 33 Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. 34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
35 While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”
36 Overhearing[a] what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
37 He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. 38 When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. 39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” 40 But they laughed at him.
After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). 42 Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. 43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.
The first story is about a woman subject to bleeding for twelve years. She herself suffered long enough to finally redeemed herself and be healed but the main story of this subject is about Jairus and his daughter. (There would be another long good topic for the story of this woman but for now let us focus on Jairus).
Jairus came first to Jesus but because of the interruption of the woman the answer to his request came late.
Jesus was still speaking to the woman when people came to Jairus saying "It's too late, she's dead. Don't bother Jesus anymore" (vv.35) It is good as saying as "It's not worth it anymore. You cannot undo the irreversible. She's dead. No hope. No future."
I could fairly imagine how Jairus felt that time. Maybe I would ask: How could this happen? I came to him in time but there are so many things around that came up. Isn't the pain of losing my daughter too trivial that it should be set aside? What hope is there left when she's dead?
But still Jesus answered: "Do not be afraid. Just believe."
In the midst of failing hope God wants us to believe.
Why are there delays in our innermost requests?
-Remember God see's what we don't. God is always one step ahead from us. He knows what is best.
-God is not impressed. No one can earn God's favor - it's GRACE.
Delay EXPOSES/REVEALS our heart.
Never think that delay cause it rather it reveals it.
-God is never late, but owes the opportunity of not getting early.
So what happened to Jairus?
Jesus came to the house held the little girls' hand and told him softly. “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). She stood up began to walk and went to eat.
In my version it is the same as saying " Sweetheart, stand up. Walk. Build your strength."
Jesus has the POWER.
God always comes through. It is not over. Stand up!
Don't confuse your agenda for Him. He delayed not to frustrate but to save me because God knows my heart. He knows I'm not ready for it.
Wait in God.
Don't lose heart.
Don't Give up.
Surviving the First Few days
This is my story.
My struggle as I conquer my greatest fear.
It is being left alone and rejected.
It didn't came with a warning. It came suddenly like a whirlwind that crushed my spirit and left my soul broken and bare. I wish I knew better but I didn't.
I sensed something but my commonsense trusted words which in the end turned out to be empty and fabricated. It was like trusting an ally in a heated battle only to find out in the end that he is the one who will shoot you straight to your death.
So how did I survived the first few days?
1. I allowed God to Hold me - more than ever.
I came to God full of questions. My mind filled with "WHY"S". I entered in Gods presence honestly with my tears, my rage, my grief, and my most bitter disappointments. And I can relate to Job when he said:
17 “What is mankind that you make so much of them,
that you give them so much attention,
18 that you examine them every morning
and test them every moment?
19 Will you never look away from me,
or let me alone even for an instant?
20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you,
you who sees everything we do?
Why have you made me your target?
Have I become a burden to you?"
-Job 7:17-20 NIV
I questioned God but at the same time I trusted Him.In the midst of trouble God is the only hope I had. Even though I have no idea what was going on or what God plans to do, I held on to my faith.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
- Matthew 11;28 NIV
2. I set aside a time to grieve.
Grieving is a dark valley. My pain was so chronic I had grown accustomed to it each passing day. I had pushed myself to positive response that I didn't allow myself to feel the pain. I tried too quickly to forgive and forget or rather felt that my suffering is too trivial. Numbing the pain didn't helped me.
So I cried. I cried like there was no tomorrow. The sorrow crept through me day and night and it consumed me like fire. It drowned me under the force of the storm. It was horrifying. The sight of me was unrecognizable . I allowed pain inside me and at the same time I also acknowledged Gods presence to hold me tight in my deepest agony. I realized that grieving honors what I've lost and professes what I never had.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." - Matthew 5:4
3. I took deep breaths.
Going though difficult times I recognized I am most often taking shorter, shallow breaths. Sometimes I even caught myself holding my breath. It is painful not only because of the pain but most especially physically when my body isn't getting enough oxygen it needs. I took a breather. I went to Hamilton lake alone and took in some fresh air.
I am stressed. I am depressed. I am brokenhearted. I am in pain.
But at the same time I am blessed. I am redeemed. I am favored. I am saved.
The truth is, it is still a lingering dispute inside my heart. The healing and moving on process is still an ongoing journey. The Lord is merciful and gracious. I trust God even if I am uncertain. There are a lot of things I need to learn about letting go and letting God. But for now I'll curl up into a tiny ball and cry my heart out while being in the loving embrace of my God. After that I'll try to take a breather and take care of myself. This pain won't go on forever. This pain will soon be over. This pain is now surrendered under the cross.
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." -Psalm 147:3

My struggle as I conquer my greatest fear.
It is being left alone and rejected.
It didn't came with a warning. It came suddenly like a whirlwind that crushed my spirit and left my soul broken and bare. I wish I knew better but I didn't.
I sensed something but my commonsense trusted words which in the end turned out to be empty and fabricated. It was like trusting an ally in a heated battle only to find out in the end that he is the one who will shoot you straight to your death.
So how did I survived the first few days?
1. I allowed God to Hold me - more than ever.
I came to God full of questions. My mind filled with "WHY"S". I entered in Gods presence honestly with my tears, my rage, my grief, and my most bitter disappointments. And I can relate to Job when he said:
17 “What is mankind that you make so much of them,
that you give them so much attention,
18 that you examine them every morning
and test them every moment?
19 Will you never look away from me,
or let me alone even for an instant?
20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you,
you who sees everything we do?
Why have you made me your target?
Have I become a burden to you?"
-Job 7:17-20 NIV
I questioned God but at the same time I trusted Him.In the midst of trouble God is the only hope I had. Even though I have no idea what was going on or what God plans to do, I held on to my faith.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
- Matthew 11;28 NIV
2. I set aside a time to grieve.
Grieving is a dark valley. My pain was so chronic I had grown accustomed to it each passing day. I had pushed myself to positive response that I didn't allow myself to feel the pain. I tried too quickly to forgive and forget or rather felt that my suffering is too trivial. Numbing the pain didn't helped me.
So I cried. I cried like there was no tomorrow. The sorrow crept through me day and night and it consumed me like fire. It drowned me under the force of the storm. It was horrifying. The sight of me was unrecognizable . I allowed pain inside me and at the same time I also acknowledged Gods presence to hold me tight in my deepest agony. I realized that grieving honors what I've lost and professes what I never had.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." - Matthew 5:4
3. I took deep breaths.
Going though difficult times I recognized I am most often taking shorter, shallow breaths. Sometimes I even caught myself holding my breath. It is painful not only because of the pain but most especially physically when my body isn't getting enough oxygen it needs. I took a breather. I went to Hamilton lake alone and took in some fresh air.
I am stressed. I am depressed. I am brokenhearted. I am in pain.
But at the same time I am blessed. I am redeemed. I am favored. I am saved.
The truth is, it is still a lingering dispute inside my heart. The healing and moving on process is still an ongoing journey. The Lord is merciful and gracious. I trust God even if I am uncertain. There are a lot of things I need to learn about letting go and letting God. But for now I'll curl up into a tiny ball and cry my heart out while being in the loving embrace of my God. After that I'll try to take a breather and take care of myself. This pain won't go on forever. This pain will soon be over. This pain is now surrendered under the cross.
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." -Psalm 147:3
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Valley Song
by Jars of Clay
You have led me to the sadness
I have carried this pain
On a back bruised, nearly broken
I'm crying out to you
I will sing of Your mercy
That leads me through valleys of sorrow
To rivers of joy
When death like a Gypsy
Comes to steal what I love
I will still look to the heavens
I will still seek your face
But I fear you aren't listening
Because there are no words
Just the stillness and the hunger
For a faith that assures
Chorus x2
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
While we wait for rescue
With our eyes tightly shut
Face to the ground using our hands
To cover the fatal cut
And though the pain is an ocean
Tossing us around, around, around
You have calmed greater waters
Higher mountains have come down
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia alleluia, alleluia
Chorus (4 Xs)
Oh, Lord sing of Your mercy,
Your mercy
*** This song gives me so much encouragement. It conveys exactly what I couldn't put into words.
My heart is longing for God. My heart will sing God's mercies. I will never lose the song in my heart.
Although death takes away, God gives life. In these rare occasions of sad endings God is putting a new life. If God is for us, who can be against us?
You have led me to the sadness
I have carried this pain
On a back bruised, nearly broken
I'm crying out to you
I will sing of Your mercy
That leads me through valleys of sorrow
To rivers of joy
When death like a Gypsy
Comes to steal what I love
I will still look to the heavens
I will still seek your face
But I fear you aren't listening
Because there are no words
Just the stillness and the hunger
For a faith that assures
Chorus x2
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
While we wait for rescue
With our eyes tightly shut
Face to the ground using our hands
To cover the fatal cut
And though the pain is an ocean
Tossing us around, around, around
You have calmed greater waters
Higher mountains have come down
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia alleluia, alleluia
Chorus (4 Xs)
Oh, Lord sing of Your mercy,
Your mercy
*** This song gives me so much encouragement. It conveys exactly what I couldn't put into words.
My heart is longing for God. My heart will sing God's mercies. I will never lose the song in my heart.
Although death takes away, God gives life. In these rare occasions of sad endings God is putting a new life. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Why We Need Each Other
Thursday, 24 February
'...encourage the fainthearted, help the weak...' 1 Thessalonians 5:14 NAS
A mouse looked out through a crack in a farmhouse wall and was distraught to discover a mousetrap. When he went to tell his buddies, the chicken said, 'Sorry, pal, not my problem.' The pig said, 'I'll pray for you.' The cow was busy and said, 'Come back later.' Dejected, the mouse was left alone to handle his problem. That night, a poisonous snake got caught in the mousetrap and when the farmer's wife went to investigate she got bitten. She developed a raging fever, and everyone knows you treat a fever with chicken soup. So the farmer took his axe to the barn for the main ingredient! As his wife's condition deteriorated and neighbours gathered, he had to butcher the pig to feed them. Finally she died. So many people came to the funeral that he ended up slaughtering the cow to make dinner for them all. In the end, everybody lost!
The Bible says, '...encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.' It only takes one thing to be an encourager: a willingness to '...bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves' (Romans 15:1 NAS).
Before deciding somebody else's problem has nothing to do with you, read this: '...If one member suffers, all the members suffer...' (1 Corinthians 12:26 NKJV). You can't sit on the sidelines while someone's hurting; tomorrow it may be you! We are told to 'Share each other's burdens...' (Galatians 6:2 NLT). When one of us is threatened we're all at risk. Our lives are woven together for a reason; each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry.
*** The truth is; today I think I am the one who needs to be encouraged. I feel so weak. I can read all these words and ask myself am I being stubborn not seeing what God had sent unto me? God would like to strengthen the fainthearted. God wanted to strengthen me.
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