Saturday, 12 March 2011
'...He was faithful to God, who appointed him...'Hebrews 3:2 NLT
Faithfulness is more than just a nice concept; you must be faithful to something or someone. Actually, it's in making and keeping commitments to others that we demonstrate our faithfulness to God. '... And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord...' (Colossians 3:17 NKJV). That means to be seen by Him, to bring glory to Him, and to be rewarded by Him.
If you don't love those around you, you don't really love God. Jesus put it this way: '...In as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me' (Matthew 25:40 NKJV). The Greek word for faithful means 'to be trustworthy and reliable'. When you give your word, can you be trusted to keep it? Many of us just aren't reliable. We can't be counted on to do what we say. It doesn't matter how gifted you are, if you're not trustworthy God cannot use you. And God will test you! How? By assigning you to do something for a period of time that you don't want to do, something that's not fun or exciting, something that may require you to submit to someone else's authority, something you chafe under. Then He will say to you, 'Just be faithful.' And faithfulness is not merely showing up day after day - it's showing up with a good attitude.
God rewards that kind of faithfulness. Jesus said, '...If you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?' (Luke 16:12 NIV). Simply stated, if you want to be successful, you must be faithful.
**** When I saw this devotion there is one thing in my mind "It could have been better if a certain someone reads this! It will show him what faithfulness is all about!"
BUT when I finished reading I recognized my lack of faithfulness. God's word is not ONLY for the people I am thinking about ONLY because they were unfaithful to me before. It is also an issue about me and my selfishness.
I know I have been unfaithful to God whenever I quit the responsibilities entrusted to me. I am no longer a person who can be trusted because of my past. But God gave me a second chance, His redeeming love made me realize where I got it wrong and honor whatever commitments I have today. What I have done to someone or to some commitments I have to do it for the Lord. I have to be trustworthy on what I have and what is entrusted to me. I have to keep my word and be faithful to everything that I say. I shouldn't commit into something I couldn't stand up for.
Faithfulness is about God and how well I could keep up with the words I say to Him and obeying him. A word not said is better than broken promises. I am praying to be faithful.
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