Monday, December 6, 2010

What's Your Approach to People?

Monday, 06 December 2010

' honour giving preference to one another.' Romans 12:10 NKJV

It's said that William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli were great leaders but intense rivals. Gladstone, leader of the Liberal Party, is considered by many to personify the best qualities of Victorian England. A career public servant, he was a great orator, master of finance, and a staunchly moral man. He was made Prime Minister of Great Britain four different times, the only person in history to achieve that honour. Under his leadership Great Britain established a national education system, instituted parliamentary reform and saw the vote given to a significant number of people in the working classes. Disraeli, who served twice as Prime Minister, had a different kind of background. In his thirties he entered politics and built a reputation as a diplomat and social reformer. His greatest accomplishment was masterminding Britain's purchase of the Suez Canal. Both men accomplished much.

But what really separated them was their approach to people! The difference can be best illustrated by a story told by a young woman who dined with each of the two rival statesmen on consecutive nights. When asked for her impression of them, she said, 'When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest woman in England.'

There's an important lesson here. Good leaders win the confidence, trust and friendship of people they lead by taking the spotlight off themselves and putting it on others. In fact, this principle will work for anybody. It's why the Bible says, ' honour giving preference to one another' (Romans 12:10 NKJV).

*** Today there is just one thing God wanted me to be - it is to be an encourager.

I met Kuya Domeng and Ate Evelyn on the way home while riding the same bus. The stories were endless and advices given, Godly encouragement being told. Yes, I have been discouraged myself but it shouldn't take the joy from my heart. I should still be the same person only better. As Kuya Domeng said we as Christians shouldn't complain to God because we will never be neglected by Him, we go from glory to glory to glory. It encouraged me with my situation right now. I am so self absorbed I haven't got the time to text or call people who are willing to be my friends and these people like me should be ministered with encouragement.

I am a leader, I suppose, I do pray and hope I will become an encourager, a person who builds people up, a person who anyone can rely on. But right now God is trusting me to be faithful in my situation I should be glad because it is a rare opportunity to experience such trial of faith. That only means God wants me to grow deeper in my understanding in him.. ^_^

I do pray Lord that my heart should be settled and that no negative things comes out of my mouth. I want to be optimistic, to be the light and joy wherever I go. Only because I want them to know that I am a Christian and I am willing to be an asset to the place where God have decided me to be.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

When You're the Leader (3)

Sunday, 28 November 2010 00:00
'...the leader should be like a servant.' Luke 22:26 NLT

Michael Bruner writes about how, as a brash young college student, he attended a lecture by a former US Attorney General. He says: 'Afterwards I approached him to see if we could meet for coffee. To his associates' shock, he said, "How about tomorrow"...We met and talked for an hour...I peppered him with questions. What famous people had he met? What was it like to be Attorney General in the 60s? When I asked him who was the greatest person he'd ever met, he said, "I don't think of people in those terms." He went on to tell me something I'll never forget. "Don't ever seek to be the greatest. Seek instead to do great things. If you aspire to greatness, your greatness will die with you. But if you aspire to do great things, your legacy will live on. The only way to do this is by being a servant. Lead by serving and you'll do great things." I was too young in the faith to know he'd taken those words from Scripture...Jesus was the embodiment of servant leadership. He didn't just tell the disciples what they should do, He did it along with them...As I left the hotel that morning and waited to cross the street, a blind man with a seeing-eye dog came up alongside me. I stared at the beautiful Lab...his senses alert, his sole purpose in life to serve his...master. Then the light turned green and gently the dog led [him] across the street...God had sent me a living parable. I learned a lesson that morning I would never forget. Pursue great things, not greatness; lead by serving.'

** I should think of pursuing great things rather than pursuing greatness. Yes, greatness will die with me but the great things that were left behind will be a forever legacy. I want to be that kind of person. A person who will leave behind something great fro other people to use and apply in their lives. I must change my selfish desires and start being a good leader by serving others. Those who cannot pay me back. Those people who really need help.

When You're the Leader (2)

Saturday, 27 November 2010

'...Whoever wants to be a leader...must be your servant.' Matthew 20:26 NLT

Mac Anderson says: 'Like every human being, I have doubts, fears and disappointments... As leaders, however, we must manage our attitude...we can't underestimate the influence of our actions and attitudes. Churchill said, "The price of leadership is stay positive whether you feel like it or not." A good leader launches out before success is certain...doesn't run from confrontation...talks about his own mistakes before anybody else's, and acknowledges them before others have to discover and reveal them. He looks for opportunities to find his teammates doing something right, and encourages the smallest improvement. He doesn't tolerate murmuring in himself or in specific in his expectations...values accountability...does what's right instead of what's popular or convenient.'

What does the word 'servant' bring to your mind? The guy who works behind the scenes? The personal assistant who makes you look good? The spouse who worked so you could complete your degree? Charles Stanley says: 'Godly servants are all around us, but, sadly, we frequently take them for granted. This is a tragedy we need to correct, not only for their sakes but for our own. Their faithful service brings untold blessings...Wherever Joseph went, the people he served were blessed. Potiphar wasn't a God-fearing man, yet he prospered because of Joseph. Find the people in your life who have the gift of godly service and spend time with them...When you turn your nose up at someone doing "servant's work" you cut yourself off from a relationship that could literally change your life.'

Each of us has the potential to be great - not famous, but great, because greatness comes by serving!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

When You're the Leader (1)

Friday, 26 November 2010

' together with the same purpose...' 1 Corinthians 3:8 NLT

Church growth consultant Jim Wideman highlights some things you can do to help those looking to you for direction:

(1) Put their goals and needs first. You're a part, not the 'whole enchilada'. Think about how your actions affect others. Be observant of the challenges and setbacks they're experiencing, and find ways to lighten their load even if they don't ask.

(2) Help others to win. Let others take a slam-dunk while you take an assist. Keep the ball moving till someone has a chance to score. Adopt the motto, 'It doesn't matter who gets the credit.' Be willing to accept blame and reluctant to assign it. Maintain an authentic desire to share victories. 'A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse' (Mark 3:24 NLT); you can't sink someone else's end of the boat and keep your own afloat.

(3) Over-communicate. Keep everyone in the loop, spend time with your peers, invest in your teammates, and admit when you need help. Be open to correction and advice. Leadership coach Rick Tate said, 'Feedback is the breakfast of champions,' and a good communicator is a good listener.

(4) Don't take things personally. Leadership, by definition, is about 'others.' When you start thinking it's all about 'you,' you lose perspective.

(5) Give it all you've got. Paul, Timothy's mentor, said to him: 'Do your best... [be] a worker who has no need to be ashamed...' (2 Timothy 2:15 NRS).

Good leaders empower others. Henry Mintzberg said: '...the best managing of all may well be silent. That way people can say, "We did it ourselves."'

*** Godly good leadership.

I am happy in the learning I am having right now. Not as an obedient follower but as a person who honors authority even though the don't actually deserve it (like my boss,yes.. honor should be readily given to anyone and respect is earned).

Can I be a leader that could possess these qualities?

I do hope I can empower others too. To give sometimes what you do not have is an important thing. To have compassion to those who were hurting is a selfless act God wanted us to experience too.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Don't Play the Fool

Thursday, 25 November 2010

'...I have played the fool...' 1 Samuel 26:21 NKJV

Your obituary says a lot about you. Towards the end of his life, King Saul said, '...I have played the fool...' (1 Samuel 26:21 NKJV). Israel's first king was destined for greatness till he decided to do things his own way instead of God's way. When the Philistines attacked Israel he tried to rally his troops, who were immobilised by fear. He knew he should wait for the prophet Samuel to come and offer a burnt sacrifice as required by the law. But he said, 'I'll just do it myself. Under the circumstances, God won't mind.' That one act of disobedience ended his career. He died by committing suicide on the battlefield; a life filled with promise, ended in disgrace.

You play the fool by: (1) Disregarding God in little things. Saul's fall didn't happen overnight. Little sins morph into big ones. Thinking, 'It's no big deal,' Saul took matters into his own hands. He said, '...I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering myself...' (1 Samuel 13:12 NLT). Note the words, 'I felt.' It can feel so right, yet be so wrong. Only trust your feelings when they line up with God's Word. (2) Trying to justify your behaviour. Saul rationalised, '...I saw my men didn't arrive when you said...the Philistines are...ready for battle' (1 Samuel :13:11 NLT). Stop rationalising, repent, and obey God! (3) Letting resentment control you. Though he had the makings of a great leader, when David started to gain popularity, Saul's resentment ended up destroying him.

Most people learn from their own mistakes; wise people learn from other people's! Learn from Saul; don't play the fool.

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's all about Him!

Friday, 22 October 2010

'...for His name's sake.' Psalm 23:3 NKJV

Have you ever asked, 'How could God use someone like me?' The Psalmist answers, 'For His name's sake'! Only one name counts - and it's not yours! With the same intensity that God hates pride, He loves humility. His Word says, '...God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.' (James 4:6 NIV) So here are a few tips on staying humble. First, evaluate yourself honestly. Don't be like the beaver who told the rabbit as they stared up at the immense wall of Hoover Dam in USA, 'No, I didn't actually build it myself. But it was based on an idea of mine.' The Bible says, 'Don't cherish exaggerated ideas of yourself... but try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities.' (Romans 12:3-4 PHPS) Second, learn to celebrate others. Paul writes, '...don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.' (Philippians 2:3 NLT) Every goal scored in life is usually a team effort. Be like the little boy who came home from the auditions for the school play and announced, 'Mummy, I got the part. I've been chosen to sit in the audience and cheer.' When you can do that, your head finally fits your hat size. Finally, don't announce your success before it occurs. '...One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.' (1 Kings 20:11 NIV) When one of Charles Spurgeon's students proudly stepped up to preach, but came back down having failed miserably, Spurgeon supposedly said something like, 'If you'd gone up the way you came down, you'd have come down the way you went up.' God blesses our efforts only when they're done 'for His name's sake'.

***** I guess I know how it feels to be immensely into something and take credit. I know it was wrong and all but in the end all was done for and I didn't became who I wanted to be because of my pride, ego and boastfulness.

Lord sorry for my heart make it right. Create in me a heart of humbleness so that I may apply the principles you are teaching me. I have nothing Lord so I know I cannot be arrogant about anything. Everything is for you. It will always be about you Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have you lost your peace of mind?

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

'He restores my soul...' Psalm 23:3 NIV

When life overwhelms us we usually look for one of two things. We may look for somebody with all the answers. The trouble is, when you look to someone for that which only God can provide, you set that person up to fail and yourself up to be disappointed. Alternatively, we may look for somewhere with fewer problems. Paul Harvey wrote, 'After Hurricane Andrew devastated South Florida, Patricia Christy vowed she was going to leave on the first plane. She was determined to get as far away from the horror of hurricane damage as she possibly could and have a restful vacation.' Harvey said, 'I just heard from Patricia Christy. She was standing in line for fresh water on the Hawaiian Island Kauai, having just gone through Hurricane Iniki!' Sheep get anxious when storms come, predators roar, or they're forced to move to unfamiliar territory. How do they handle such times? By moving closer to the shepherd! Have you lost your peace of mind today? Read the following Scriptures; they'll help you move closer to your Shepherd: 'But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them...' (Psalm 5:11 NKJV) 'The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms...' (Deuteronomy 33:27 NIV) 'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.' (Isaiah 26:3 NKJV) 'The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.' (Nahum 1:7 NKJV) For 'The Lord remembers us and will bless us...' (Psalm 115:12 NIV)

***This is how I feel today!!

I've lost my peace and clear thinking. I don't want to be like this because I know it is not healthy. God is the true peace giver. If I will acknowledge God's provision of peace of mind I will have rest and not be burdened with all these affairs. God loves me all the same and it will never change. My happiness does not depend on a person or on material things or my career because it is not everlasting.

Lord I am sorry. Today I've realized that happiness comes from you. Father, please give me peace of mind and clear heart and conscience. I trust in you. You will comfort me. You will love me unlike any other. Lord cleanse my mind and heart. Give me rest. In Jesus name amen.

God will 'be there' for you

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

'...He leads me beside quiet waters.' Psalm 23:2 NIV

Philip Yancey says, 'Faith means believing in advance, what will only make sense in reverse.' If you fear the future, look back and see how God took care of you in the past. 'This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness... The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.' (Lamentations 3:21-25 NIV) You say, 'I don't know what I'll do if my loved one dies.' You will - when the time comes. You say, 'I don't know how I'll pay these bills.' Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides, will be there - when the time comes. You say, 'I'm not qualified to handle this, there's too much I don't know.' Maybe you want to know everything too soon. God will give you wisdom - when the time comes. The key is to meet today's problems with today's strength, and leave tomorrow in God's hands. During World War II, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, found it hard to sleep or rid his mind of fear until he adopted these words from the hymn 'Lead, Kindly Light': 'I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me.' And God isn't going to let you see the distant scene either. No, He promises a lamp for your feet, not a crystal ball for your future. 'He leads me' and that's enough for today. And tomorrow? '...we will find grace to help us when we need it...' (Hebrews 4:16 NLT)

*** I am so anxious of tomorrow yes it robs the happiness of today. Lord I pray that you will guide me. Give me the strength and wisdom of today to overcome tomorrow. Lord let me trust you with my whole heart. I don't need a cystal ball Lord but rather a lamp at my feet every step of the way. Give me your light Father. I want to know what I am supposed to be doing In Jesus name amen.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Your Shepherd and Lord

Saturday, 16 October 2010

'The Lord is my shepherd...' Psalm 23:1 NKJV

Abraham Lincoln wrote, 'I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.' All of us feel that way at times. That's because we are all sheep in need of a shepherd. Of all God's creatures, sheep seem the least able to care for themselves. They're directionless: they'll walk off a cliff or wander into a river and drown. They're defenceless: they've no claws so they can't fight, run fast or climb a tree to safety. They're dirty: your cat and dog can clean themselves, but sheep get dirty and stay that way. You say, 'I don't like being compared to sheep.' All right, then answer these questions. How well do you control your impulses? Do you ever play the victim? Can you relate to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Are you always upbeat and upright? Do you add to the conflict and confusion, or do you always make peace? Do you truly love people, or do you just use them for your own ends? Are you generous, or do you mostly give to those who have something to give back to you? On a scale of one to ten, how do you score when it comes to the fear of people, or failure, or sickness, or death, or rejection or risk? Is your life an open book? How often do you fail and need forgiveness: weekly? daily? hourly? It sounds like you need a shepherd! So instead of saying, 'The Lord is my shepherd', try saying, 'Because I need a shepherd, I make You Lord of my life'.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What is your Achilles' Heel?

Friday, 15 October 2010

'...the sin that so easily trips us up...' Hebrews 12:1 NLT

Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War, was invulnerable, with one exception: his heel. Shoot him there and he'd go down. Guess what? He died from an arrow to the heel! We all have our Achilles' heel - the 'sin that so easily trips us up'. Here, blindness, indifference or denial sets us up for failure. So how do we overcome our Achilles' heel? Author John Piper offers us a solution in the form of an acronym: ANTHEM. A: avoid sights and situations that arouse unfitting desires. Prevent what fuels your appetite for sin. N: say no to every lustful thought within five seconds. In the first two seconds shout 'No, get out of my head!' In the next two, cry out, 'Oh God, in the name of Jesus, help me. Save me now. I am yours.' Say it out loud. The Puritan writer John Owen said, 'Be killing sin, or it will be killing you.' T: turn the mind forcefully towards Christ. Attack sin with the promises of Christ. H: hold the promise and pleasure of Christ firmly in mind. For how long? Until it pushes other images out. Hold it. Don't let it go. Hold it until you win! E: enjoy a superior satisfaction, namely, pleasure in Christ. If you have little taste for Jesus, competing pleasures will triumph. M: move into useful activity, away from idleness and other vulnerable behaviours. Abound in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). Replace deceitful lusts with a passion for good deeds. Today, using this simple acronym, you can move from vulnerability to victory by drawing on the power of God's Spirit within you (Galatians 5:25).

*** I am often trapped in sinful activity whenever I am resting. A day or time or place where there is nothing to do but bite my fingernails. i don't want to do it when the opportunity presents itself (laziness), it crept in.

Lord I am sorry for being lazy. I am sorry Lord because my weakness kills me. I know I am not perfect but in the same way Lord I also know that I can overcome these obstacles. Lord renew me with your strength. Lord guide me with your power. Lord enveloped me with your love.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The deal is sealed

Thursday, 14 October 2010

'...Having believed, you were marked... with a seal...' Ephesians 1:13 NIV

If you are having doubts about your salvation, understand this clearly: the moment you trusted in Christ as your Saviour, His blood cleansed you from all sin. At that point 'you were marked... with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit... guaranteeing [your]... redemption' (vv. 13-14 NIV). The Bible says, 'You should not be like cowering fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family - calling him, 'Father, dear Father!' For the Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us we are God's children. And since we are his children, we will share his treasures - for everything God gives to his son, Christ, is ours too.' (Romans 8:15-16 NLT) In the book of Ruth we read that 'the custom... in Israel concerning redeeming... [was] one man took off his sandal... gave it to the other, and this was a confirmation...' (Ruth 4:7 NKJV) Notice, the 'redeemer' put on another man's sandal, signifying his willingness to stand in his place. That's what Jesus did for us at the cross. He stood in our shoes so we could stand before God in His - redeemed and righteous! Don't let doubt steal your joy. Refuse to go by your feelings. Make up your mind to believe what God says, for until you do you'll be plagued by uncertainty. Study God's Word until you can say with assurance, '...I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.' (2 Timothy 1:12 NKJV) Are you trusting in Christ as your Saviour? Then your salvation is not in doubt. The deal is sealed!

***I am a person who doubts. I must say there were certain times where I doubt God, Is He real? If He is, is He even interested in me? The sinful me? The unmoving, untrusting, stubborn me? That is my doubt all along. I am never sure anyone could accept me as I am. It's as if I am only a second option in everything. Now in my situation, I do not know where God is but still I am trusting Him. I hate my life now having no career, no money, no ambition. It just kills my soul. I want to trust God that He has a great future planned for me I just can't see the bigger picture yet. I do hope God will open doors for me. Open my eyes perhaps. Lord, please help me overcome my unbelief. In these moments where I am certain of my salvation but uncertain of my future please help me to look in you more than look in the situation. Let me focus in You. Amen.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rise above worry

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

'God... is the... controller of all things.' 1 Timothy 6:15 PHPS

We all worry from time to time, but wise people have learned to avoid over-anxiety by following these guidelines. (1) Define the situation clearly. What exactly is it you're worrying about? Be specific. Often when we take time to clarify the problem, a way to solve it will present itself. (2) Face the worst that can happen. Would you lose your job? Your relationship? Your investment? In most cases even if the worst did happen, chances are it wouldn't ruin you. It may be inconvenient or painful, but does it really warrant all the anxiety you're giving it? (3) Resolve to accept the outcome, whatever it is. Most of the stress of worry comes from denial, from not being willing to face the worst that could happen. Once you make up your mind to accept whatever happens, you'll find worry loses its power over you. (4) Work to improve the situation. Renowned neurologist James H Austin said, 'Chance favours those in motion.' Do all you can to ensure the best possible outcome, and '...after you have done everything... stand.' (Ephesians 6:13 NIV) Stand on God's promises! (5) Give the problem to God. He's 'the... controller of all things'. The Psalmist said, 'Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.' (Psalm 9:10 NIV) Remember, nothing can happen to you today, or any other day, that God is not aware of, in control of, and able to bring you through. .

***The truth is I am an anxious person. I tend not to sleep well because of worry and I know it is not a good thing. I should be really up and front with my problems and resolve all my issues. It kept me from doing a lot of better things. I am so scared and worried at the same time I couldn't act right. It doesn't guarantee that everything will be alright but it will surely improve my situation.

I am hoping with my whole heart and I am willing to give it all to God because I know nothing is impossible with God. He holds the world in his hands.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

'But God' moments

Saturday, 09 October 2010

' was not you who sent me here, but God...' Genesis 45:8 NIV

Are you in the dark about the direction God seems to be leading you? Jon Walker says, 'The choice to do His will before we know the specifics... develops trust of His character... This is where many people get into a battle of wills... wanting Him to reveal His plan first... That's not how He works. God wants you to decide in advance to trust Him... believing that His will is best for your life... He knows your hesitancy. He won't be surprised if you say, 'I don't know that I'm willing to step out in faith without knowing everything that's going to happen, but I'm willing to be made willing.' One reason God doesn't give you the full picture... is you may be overwhelmed... it may appear impossible... but that's the point - there's no way you can fulfil your mission without Him.' When Joseph was reunited with his brothers in Egypt, he told them, ' not be angry with yourselves... it was not you who sent me here, but God...' (Genesis 45:5-8) Joseph's brothers sold him out, 'but God' used it to preserve the Jewish race. The Israelites were in slavery, 'but God' sent Moses to lead them to the Promised Land. Jesus died on the cross, 'but God' used His death to save a lost world. Oswald Chambers calls God 'The Great Engineer, creating circumstances to bring about moments... of divine importance, leading us to divine appointments'. Think back; can't you recall some 'but God' moments of your own where you'd reached the end of your rope and He came through for you?

*** Yes I have a problem with trust. I am uncertain about the future and this made me uneasy about my faith. I am just so scared of the things that will happen next.I know I can't control all the things around me and I may not be in the best position right now but the Lord is teaching me something. I am in the phase of life where God is opening my eyes so that I can trust Him. I am not sure yet what are God's plans but yes he definitely has something in-stored for me.

I have to remind myself about the story of Joseph. he suffered a lot to gain a lot. All he did was to be faithful to God, be good and obedient. I can be the best person I can be with God's grace. I do hope to have a Joseph heart and mind.

Lord create in me a heart that will trust you completely. Sorry Lord for my lack of faith. Increase my faith Lord. I am open to receive your blessings help me so that I can be capable to receive these things from you. Widen my horizon Lord, give me more than what I have got and lead me the way where you want me to be. I want to do your will in my life. Help me to discern if it's from you and it's your purpose for me. I love you Lord and I give my life completely to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Make allowance (2)

Thursday, 07 October 2010

'Make allowance for each other's faults...' Colossians 3:13 NLT

CS Lewis said, 'Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive.' Author Mac Anderson writes, 'A few times in my life I've been wronged. My first reaction... was anger and resentment. I... felt my stomach tie up in knots, my appetite wane, and the joy slip out of my life... like I'd played the first half of a basketball game in steel shoes. In the locker room the coach said, 'Try these new Nikes in the second half.' Multiply that by ten and you'll understand how it feels to unload your emotional baggage through the power of forgiveness.' Jesus debunked the myth that love is based on feelings. It's an act of your will, and if you love God you'll keep His commandments. It's that simple. If you're struggling to forgive someone who's hurt you, here are some scriptural guidelines to help you. Don't seek retribution. Instead, '...overcome evil with good.' (Romans 12:21) God said, '...Vengeance is mine; I will repay.' (Romans 12:19) Don't rush to judgment. That's not always easy when you're the injured party, but the ultimate Judge said, 'With what judgment you judge, you will be judged...' (Matthew 7:2 NKJV) Make things right. Jesus said, ' reconciled to your brother...' (Matthew 5:24 NIV) Don't wait for the other person to make the first move, you do it. Paul says, 'Make every effort to live in peace with all men...' (Hebrews 12:14 NIV) Pray for the offender. As much as it goes against your grain, when you '...pray for those who mistreat you' (Luke 6:28 NIV), God gives you the grace to forgive and see them through His eyes.

***I think God really do want me to let go of the past. I've always been a very forgiving person. I mean there are some people whom I want to punch in the face or people I want to trip over. haha.. I mean that's wrong, that is one form of vengeance. I should forgive freely, openly with my whole heart not wishing the bad of the other person. God exactly knows what to do with these kind of people. I'll leave their offenses to the higher power.

Another thing is I am not very forgiving to myself. That's a part I really need to work on.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make allowance (1)

Wednesday, 06 October 2010

'Make allowance for each other's faults...' Colossians 3:13 NLT

When it comes to forgiving, you can't say it better than Tim Stafford did: 'I would rather be cheated a hundred times, than develop a heart of stone.' The Bible says, 'Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.' You don't get to choose who you'll forgive. Love is a command, forgiveness is an act of obedience. 'He has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.' (1 John 4:21 NIV) You can't be closer to God than you are to the people you love least. God sets the bar high because grudges are like cancer, and forgiveness is the laser that removes them. Bitterness chains us to the past, destroys families, divides churches and sours relationships. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate. Take your hurt feelings to God and say, 'Point out anything... that offends you...' (Psalm 139:24 NLT) It takes courage, but that's the kind of prayer He answers. It gets easier as you grow in Christ; in the meantime you have to work at it. As a child of God His Spirit lives inside you. You're no longer a slave to sin (Romans 6:14). God knows it's hard to forgive deep-seated hurts, but He will give you grace to do it. To 'make allowance' means to take a charitable view and consider extenuating circumstances. People change and grow over time, so don't insist on clinging to a limited, outdated view of them. Try to see them as they are today. Most folks are doing their best based on the knowledge and understanding they have now, so give them a break!

**** I terribly hate _a_i_i haha.. but I know the Lord wants me to have patience with everything even in the things which are most unreasonable. In a way I know God is perfecting my patience. I have to forgive the people who had offended me from the past so that I won't have a stone heart or a heart so hard full of calluses. The Lord commands me to forgive even to myself. I have been so hard with myself lately. I cannot redo the past but I can forgive myself and move on. Yes, I need to move on.

walks in water

If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat.

Chapter 1.


"It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.. who at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place will never be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

* Water-Walkers Recognize God's Presence

In the midst of waves and the storm the disciples didn't recognize Jesus but rather believed saw a ghost in the middle of the sea. They were terrified and cried out in fear. I wonder how they could have failed to know it was Jesus. Who else could it be? But Matthew wants us to know that sometimes it takes eyes of faith to recognize when Jesus is around. Often in the middle of the storm, tormented by waves of disappointment and doubt, we are no better at recognizing his presence than they were.

Jesus pass them by..

to pass by (by garland) - 'striking and temporary appearances in the earthly realm to a select individual or group for the purpose of communicating a message. "

ex. Moses, Elijah

In each case God had to get peoples attention. With each person God was going to call them to do something extraordinary. In each situation each person felt afraid. But everytime that people said "yes" to their calling, they experienced the power of God in their lives.

So when Jesus pass the disciples he was revealing his divine presence and power.

WE HAVE TO REMEMBER: That OBEDIENCE is no guarantee of being spared adversity.

Human extremity is the frequent meeting place with God.

God is presnt even in the most unlikely place.

* Water-Walkers Discern Between Faith and Foolishness.

This is not just a story about risk-taking; it is primarily a story about obedience

Courage alone is not enough, it must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment.

Not a story about extreme sports. It's extreme discipleship.

* Water-Walkers Get Out of the Boat

Boat= safe, secure, and comfortable
Whatever you are tempted to put your trust in.

Water = rough
Waves = high
Wind = strong

You were made for something more the merely avoiding failure. There is something inside you that wants to walk on the water - to leave the comfort of routine existence and abandon yourself to the high adventure of following God.

Boat = Whatever pulls you away from the high adventure of extreme discipleship.
= Your fear will tell you about your boat.

What produces fear in me - especially when I think of leaving it behind and stepping out in faith.?

What is your boat? In what areas of your life are you shrinking back from fully and courageously trusting God? Leaving it may be the hardest thing you ever do.

*Water Walkers Expect Problems.

Peter goes to the side of the boat. he puts his foot in the water while carefully gripping the edge of the boat. Then he does something religious - he lets go.

Then it happens. "Peter saw the wind."

He was terrified. Nothing has really changed, though. The storm should have come as no surprise - it's been there all along. What has really taken place is that Peter's focus has shifted from the Savior to the storm.

Risk lock - a condition which like gridlock, leaves us unable to do anything or go anywhere.

everything is risky

Like hitting a homerun, if you don't step up in the plate and hold on to the bat you will never know the glory of hitting a homerun. You may strike out but it's alright because you can handle your bat better to hit your homerun. The best batters are those that had 2 strike outs..

everything is risky

*Water -Walkers Accept Fear as the Price of Growth.

You've got to get out of the boat a little everyday.

Deep truth about water walking: The fear will never go away. Why? Because each time I want to grow, it will involve going into new territory, taking new challenges.

"The fear will never go away, as long as I continue to grow." - Susan Jeffers

Fear and growth go together like macaroni and cheese.

*Water Walkers Master Failure Management

Failure is not an event, but rather a judgement about an event. It is a way we think about outcomes.

"I never failed anything in my life. I was given a second chance opportunity to get it right." - Winston Churchill.

Only Peter know the glory of walking in water another eleven people were failures sitting in the boat.

The worst failure is nor to sink in the waves. The worst failure is to never get out of the boat.

*Water-Walkers See Failures as an Opportunity to Grow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shamgar's secret (2)

Thursday, 30 September 2010

'...Shamgar...killed six hundred...Philistines with an ox goad...' Judges 3:31 NKJV

Shamgar lived in dangerous times. Philistine gangs roamed the countryside, robbing people: 'In the days of Shamgar... people avoided the main roads; and travellers stayed on...pathroads.' (Judges 5:6 NLT) Shamgar's only weapon was an ox goad, a long wooden staff with a steel tip used to prod oxen. But it wasn't until he came under attack that he discovered its full potential.
Understand this: God has given you an 'ox goad', something you can use to win in the situation you're facing. If you seek Him, He'll show you what it is. Like the boy with the five loaves and two fishes, God will take something small, bless it, then multiply it to bless others. The Bible says we are to ' instant in season, out of season...' (2 Timothy 4:2 KJV) The Greek words for 'be instant' could be translated 'be prepared'. The Greek word for 'season' means 'opportunity'. You need to be preparing yourself now, when it looks like nothing is happening, because your season will change and the opportunity to act will suddenly present itself. When it does, you must be ready. In life, opportunities are either coming towards you, or passing you by. In college, a professor told Dr Martin Luther King Jr that if he kept using such lofty words, he would never be a very effective public speaker. You have to wonder what that professor thought as he listened to Dr King's 'I have a dream' speech, and watched him go on to champion civil rights.
What's your ox goad? Use it, and God will bless it!

*** God has been knocking my heart. Once twice, thrice this week. Still, I'm not sure where to start. And it's a good reminder; what is my ox- goad. That thing that God gave me so that I can bless others? What are my raw talents, my gifts, what do I have right now? God will use a stick, a stone or a broom so just that I would know that the power doesn't lie in me. The power is from God and HE CAN TURN MY NOTHING INTO SOMETHING AND MAKE MY ANYTHING TO BE FASCINATING.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

12 Steps To Identifying Your Functional Saviors

Whatever we direct our affections, energies, and hopes towards is our object of worship. Our heart needs Jesus; our flesh craves idols. This is why growing in love for Christ requires daily execution of idols. But how do we know what our idols are?

In The Bookends of the Christian Life Jerry Bridges offers twelve “fill-in-the-blanks” to help us identify our functional saviors:

1. I am preoccupied with ________.
2. If only ________, then I would be happy.
3. I get my sense of significance from ________.
4. I would protect and preserve ________ at any cost.
5. I fear losing ________.
6. The thing that gives me greatest pleasure is ________.
7. When I lose ________, I get angry, resentful, frustrated, anxious, or depressed.
8. For me, life depends on ________.
9. The thing I value more than anything in the world is ________.
10. When I daydream, my mind goes to________.
11. The best thing I can think of is ________.
12. The thing that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning is ________.

[HT: Harbor Hawaii and Milton Stanley]

**** Read this on Tumblr today wants to answer this..^_^

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is there someone you need to forgive?

Saturday, 4 September 2010

\'...forgiving one another... even as Christ forgave you...\' Colossians 3:13 NKJV

The greatest power you have over anyone who hurts you is the power of forgiveness. When you say, 'I forgive, and no longer hold it against you', both sides are set free from the negative bond that exists between you. But there's more: we also free ourselves from the burden of being the 'offended one'. As long as we don't forgive those who've wounded us we take them with us, or worse, carry them like an albatross around our neck. One of our great temptations is to cling in anger to our enemies, then define ourselves as being wounded by them. Forgiveness, therefore, not only liberates the other party, but it also liberates us! It's the way to true freedom. Now, forgiving doesn't always mean forgetting. Though we forgive somebody, the memory of what they did might stay with us a long time. We can carry it in our emotions as a scar, or even in our bodies as a physical sign. But forgiveness changes how we remember. It turns the curse into a blessing. When we forgive our parents for their divorce, our children for their lack of love, our friends for their unfaithfulness in times of need, our counsellors for their bad advice, or our boss for treating us unfairly, we no longer have to experience ourselves as the victims of events over which we have no control. Forgiveness allows us to take back our power and not let the events embitter, limit or destroy us. Is there someone you need to forgive?


Friday, September 3, 2010

Your work matters to God (3)

Friday, 3 September 2010

\' the Lord...\' Colossians 3:23 NLT

Dr Adrian Rogers said, 'God takes ordinary people and gives them power to do extraordinary things. Whether you put hub caps on tyres... key in data... dig ditches or wash dishes, \" the Lord...\" (Colossians 3:23 NLT) Jesus' home was the cottage of a working man. Mending ploughs or mending souls, Jesus was doing God's work because people need houses and furniture. Knowing you're serving the Lord puts dignity in running a machine, greasing cars, carrying mail, painting houses, or cutting grass. Tell God, \"I'm doing this for you and I'll do it with all my might\"... That kind of attitude puts a spring in your step... You're a priest of God... in full-time service, and if that doesn't ring your bell - your clapper's broken!' As Leigh Priebe Kearney says, 'No job's perfect... there'll always be things you aren't thrilled about. See the big picture: find out where the company's heading and how you fit in. Reach out: ask what's important to your co-workers and how you can help them.' You can have almost anything you want, if you help enough other people get what they want. Remember the three Cs: 1) commitment. Workers who get ahead share a sense of commitment: they're fully engaged in their work 2) control. They're proactive, not passive 3) challenge. They see stressful situations as opportunities for growth. Don't wait for your ship to come in - swim out to meet it! Management won't suddenly recognise your potential, pluck you from obscurity and rocket you to the top. Draft a plan, then talk to your boss. A game plan shows you're open to professional growth. Keep learning: talk to people from other departments, take classes, and tackle projects outside your comfort zone.

**** I want to do better after reading this devotion It's as if I am not doing very well in my work. I hope I could be better. I need commitment, control and challenge. I need to grow and i want to do it. I need to be positive about it too..

If I do my work according to what God wants and intends me to I can please Him more than I can imagine..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Your work matters to God (2)

Thursday, 2 September 2010

'God cares about honesty in the workplace...' Proverbs 16:11 TM

The Human Resources Director was taken aback when he heard what the job applicant asked to be paid. 'You certainly expect to be compensated well for a beginner.' The applicant replied, 'Well sure, work is a lot harder when you don't know what you're doing.' A cute story, but 'God cares about honesty in the workplace; your business is His business.' (Proverbs 16:11 TM) You should give an honest day's work for an honest day's wages. Eric Harvey says, 'Think about somebody you know who's of good character, and reflect on the characteristics that make them a role model... Chances are that high on the list is commitment - an unwavering dedication to being a good family member and friend - to doing their best on and off the job... to doing what's right, noble and decent. Committed people... have their heads and hearts in the right place. They keep their priorities straight... stay focused on what's important... What they believe drives how they behave, and how they behave determines their character... their reputation... and the legacy they leave.' Abraham Lincoln observed, 'Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It's the words that speak boldly of your intentions, and the actions which speak louder than the words. It's making time when there is none... it's coming through time after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character's made of... the power to change the face of things... the daily triumph of integrity over scepticism.' An admirer approached the world-renowned pianist Van Cliburn after one of his concerts and said, 'I'd give my life to be able to play like you.' Smiling, Cliburn replied, 'I did!'

*** The devotion today is about commitment and how work with passion and dedication pleases God. It is good to be honest in the workplace but the best etiquette we can ever have is commitment. It's what drives us to do better, strive greater and determine our character. Committed people have straight priorities.

I know I haven't given my commitment and best in anything yet and it doesn't make me a good steward of my talents. I feel guilty and ashamed of myself being like this. I can feel that I am bad in all sort of ways and I want to make it right but I don't know where to start. I am afraid but I want to pass this hurdle and continue on with my life. I want my attitude to be changed that in whatever work I have I can always glorify God. Am I pleasing God? In my judgement I know I am far from perfect but I believe in God's grace and direction.

I want to have commitment, passion and love for my work.

I want to love my work.

I want to be worthy of the job and talent God has given me.

I don't want to waste my energy in things that doesn't please God. In a way being a complainer is one thing I should get rid off. I know I don't like my job but by giving it to God it makes all the difference. Being committed (stop being lazy and working as if working for the Lord) makes the work a lot more easier and worth the effort.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Your work matters to God (1)

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

‘...’My Father never stops working, and so I keep working, too.’ John 5:17 NCV

A salesman stopped to visit a client and was amazed to find a big dog emptying wastebaskets. ‘All part of the job!’ the dog said cheerfully. ‘Does your boss know how fortunate he is to have a talking dog?’ the salesman asked. ‘No,’ replied the dog, ‘and don’t tell him – or he’ll have me answering phones next!’ The Bible says, ‘...there is nothing better than to…find satisfaction in work…these pleasures are from…God.’ (Ecclesiastes 2:24 NLT) Max Lucado says, ‘Before God gave Adam a wife or child… He gave him a job in ‘the garden… to cultivate… and keep it.’ (Genesis 2:15 NAS) God deems work worthy of its own engraved commandment: ‘You shall work six days, but on the seventh… you shall rest...’ (Exodus 34:21 NAS) But emphasis on the day of rest can make us miss the command to work… your work matters to God… and society… Cities need plumbers. Nations need soldiers. Traffic lights break. Bones break… Someone has to raise children, raise cane, and manage the kids who raise Cain! Whether you log–on or lace–up… you imitate God… Jesus said, “...My Father never stops working… so I keep working too.” (John 5:17 NCV) Your career consumes half your life. Shouldn’t it broadcast God? Don’t those 40–60 hours belong to Him too? The Bible never promotes workaholism as pain medication, but God calls the physically able to till the gardens He gives. So use your uniqueness (what you do), to make a big deal out of God (why you do it), every day of your life (where you do it).

**** Today I've realized that what I'm doing today, whatever that is, must be a God glorifying all the time. The best way to worship God is by giving those six days of my life not just the day of rest. God doesn't want me to be a workaholic rather he wants me to honor what he intended and designed for me to do.

i can say I am not doing very well in this aspect. As a domestic cleaner and fill-in activity coordinator in a caregiving institute I could never be more tired, stressed and grumpy as I can get. I hate my job. I hate the smell of old people. I hate myself for continuing doing something I detest. But today it made me realize that whatever I do I an still glorify God so always have a good and positive attitude towards it.

Anything worth doing is worth doing good as Daphne says. So I will truly try to do my best to be happy about it, never to complain and be thankful for the opportunity of glorifying God in my work.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What’s your attitude towards your child?

‘...When he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion [on him]...’ Luke 15:20 NKJV

Chuck Colson writes, ‘When I was at Buckingham Palace… Prince Philip asked me, “What can we do about crime here in England?” I replied, “Send more children to Sunday school.” He thought I was joking. But I pointed out a study by sociologist Christy Davies, which found that in the first half of the 1800s British society was marked by high levels of crime and violence, which dropped dramatically in the late 1800s and early 1900s. What changed an entire nation’s national character? Throughout that period attendance at Sunday schools rose steadily until by 1888, a full 75 per cent of children in England were enrolled. Since then attendance has fallen off… with a corresponding increase in crime and disorder. If we fill the Sunday schools we can change hearts and restore society.’ Does that mean our children will never lose their way? No, it just means they’ll realise the truth of what they were taught, recall the joys of being in ‘Father’s house’, and return because they know they’ll be welcomed back. You’ll notice, no charge of parental neglect is laid at the doorstep of the prodigal’s father. He was a great role model. He supported his children financially and emotionally. He guided them without forcing them to conform. He gave them room to fail – and a place to return. What does reflect on us as parents, however, is our attitude towards our children. Your child may be ‘a great way off’, but they need to know you care, that you love and pray for them, and that you’ll welcome them home.

***This devotion taught me how important early education is to children. Sunday school is one of the best teachings we can impart to our children. A sunday schooler myself, I know how it feels to grow up in the virtues of a christian living. It made me realize as I am going through life little aspects of my character that are once inculcated by David, Moses, Joseph, Paul and Jesus. I am sure to let my children experience the same things of attending sunday services. **

Monday, August 30, 2010

Make Giving a Lifestyle

Monday, 30 August 2010

‘...God loves a person who gives cheerfully.’ 2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT

A child who had just learned to tie his shoelaces was crying, so his mum asked, ‘Is it that hard?’ ‘No,’ he sobbed, ‘but now I’ll have to do it for the rest of my life!’ Is that how you feel about giving? You want to learn, but you’re not sure that you want to make it a lifestyle? Some swallows were teaching their young to fly from a branch overhanging a lake. One by one the mother bird pushed each of her chicks to the end, until somewhere between the branch and the water they discovered they could fly. Their mother understood what they didn’t: until you learn to fly you’re not really living! Understand this: giving is an action built into us by God; it’s the air into which we were born. But until you realise that, you’ll cling to everything you have! The Bible says, ‘...Whoever sows generously will also reap generously.’ (2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV) Everything in life begins with a seed. Your seed is anything that can multiply: your love, your time or your money. Your harvest is what comes back to you in benefits such as joy, good relationships, and – yes – finances. If what you have is not enough to be a harvest, sow it as a seed, believing God will multiply it back to you in the areas you need it most. Go ahead, you’ll love the results! Giving is like flying. When you learn to let go of what you’re clinging to and launch out, you will realise, ‘This is how I was born to live!’

*** Yes sometimes it is hard for me to give. Sometimes I have good intentions of giving for ministries and churches but never had the chance to do so because I was so afraid to lose my money. I mean in the end God will return everything to me generously if I only give generously. I am not neglecting my tithes but maybe God is knocking my heart into giving into other ministries. To ISCF, to Lifehouse, etc. There are institutions, outreaches that need my support financially and prayerfully of course. I say that let those with much give much but in the end I still believe I'm in the other half of the much. I'm in New Zealand after all. Even if I clean toilets, smell like poo and old soap. I still have much compared to another million or billion in the other side of the world. I ought to be thankful by helping. Now, where do I start?

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 2010

In the Grip of Grace from Max Lucado
Part II What a God!

Ponder the achievement of God.
He doesn't condone our sin, nor does he
compromise his standard.
He doesn't ignore our rebellion, nor does he relax
his demands.
Rather than dismiss our sin, he assumes our sin
and, incredibly, sentences himself.
God's holiness is honored. Our sin is punished..
and we are redeemed.
God does what we cannot do so we can be what we
dare not to dream: perfect before God.

Chapter 6
Calling Corpses

Romans 3:21-26
21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement,[a] through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

Sin, the universal Problem

What separates us from God is sin. Every person on earth has blown it.
Listen as Paul assumes the role of country coroner and describes the cadaver of the sinner.
"Their throats are like open graves."
"They use their tongues for telling lies."
"The poison of vipers is on their lips."
"Their mouths are full of cursing and hate."
"Their feet are swift to shed blood"
(see Romans 3:13, 14,16)
What a repulsive anatomy! Sin infects the entire person, from eyes to feet. Not only does sin contaminate every human being, it contaminates the being of every human.

Sin is a fatal disease.
Sin has sentenced us to a slow, painful death.

Sin does to life what shears do to a flower. A cut at the stem separates a flower from the source of life. Initially the flower is attractive, still colorful and strong. but watch that flower over a period of time, and the leaves wilt and the petals will drop. no matter what you do, the flower will never live again. Surround it with water. stick the stem in soil. Baptize it with fertilizer.Glue the flower back on the stem. Do what you wish. The flower is dead.

A dead flower has no life.
A dead body has no life.
A dead soul has no life.

Cut off from God, the soul withers and dies. The consequence of sin is not a bad day or a bad mood but a dead soul.

The finished work of sin is to kill the soul.

We Need a Miracle

Upon seeing the problem, can't we see the solution? we don't need more religion; we need a miracle. We don't need someone to disguise the dead; we need someone to raise the dead.
The "someone" is introduced in Romans 3:22