People ask me WHY Happily EVEN after?
I have always been a believer of happy endings. My faith in love and commitment is very strong that I knew deep inside my heart I could have that fairy tale without going wrong - BUT IT DID WENT WRONG. It went terribly messy.
It was not my happily ever after BUT I was happy EVEN after.
I never lost the song in my heart.
I still kept the shoe even if it doesn't fit anymore.
I am still a princess in my pajamas.
I don't want the world to make me hard. Won't let the pain make me hate. Won't let the bitterness steal my sweetness. This world is still a beautiful place..
Despite of all the hearthaches I am living happily EVEN after.
And yes, I am waiting (and praying) for God's match for me while molding me to become a woman after His own heart. Besides, I do hope that person will find me captivating serving God (and same goes for him).