Wednesday, 13 October 2010
'God... is the... controller of all things.' 1 Timothy 6:15 PHPS
We all worry from time to time, but wise people have learned to avoid over-anxiety by following these guidelines. (1) Define the situation clearly. What exactly is it you're worrying about? Be specific. Often when we take time to clarify the problem, a way to solve it will present itself. (2) Face the worst that can happen. Would you lose your job? Your relationship? Your investment? In most cases even if the worst did happen, chances are it wouldn't ruin you. It may be inconvenient or painful, but does it really warrant all the anxiety you're giving it? (3) Resolve to accept the outcome, whatever it is. Most of the stress of worry comes from denial, from not being willing to face the worst that could happen. Once you make up your mind to accept whatever happens, you'll find worry loses its power over you. (4) Work to improve the situation. Renowned neurologist James H Austin said, 'Chance favours those in motion.' Do all you can to ensure the best possible outcome, and '...after you have done everything... stand.' (Ephesians 6:13 NIV) Stand on God's promises! (5) Give the problem to God. He's 'the... controller of all things'. The Psalmist said, 'Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.' (Psalm 9:10 NIV) Remember, nothing can happen to you today, or any other day, that God is not aware of, in control of, and able to bring you through. .
***The truth is I am an anxious person. I tend not to sleep well because of worry and I know it is not a good thing. I should be really up and front with my problems and resolve all my issues. It kept me from doing a lot of better things. I am so scared and worried at the same time I couldn't act right. It doesn't guarantee that everything will be alright but it will surely improve my situation.
I am hoping with my whole heart and I am willing to give it all to God because I know nothing is impossible with God. He holds the world in his hands.
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