Monday, 06 December 2010
' honour giving preference to one another.' Romans 12:10 NKJV
It's said that William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli were great leaders but intense rivals. Gladstone, leader of the Liberal Party, is considered by many to personify the best qualities of Victorian England. A career public servant, he was a great orator, master of finance, and a staunchly moral man. He was made Prime Minister of Great Britain four different times, the only person in history to achieve that honour. Under his leadership Great Britain established a national education system, instituted parliamentary reform and saw the vote given to a significant number of people in the working classes. Disraeli, who served twice as Prime Minister, had a different kind of background. In his thirties he entered politics and built a reputation as a diplomat and social reformer. His greatest accomplishment was masterminding Britain's purchase of the Suez Canal. Both men accomplished much.
But what really separated them was their approach to people! The difference can be best illustrated by a story told by a young woman who dined with each of the two rival statesmen on consecutive nights. When asked for her impression of them, she said, 'When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest woman in England.'
There's an important lesson here. Good leaders win the confidence, trust and friendship of people they lead by taking the spotlight off themselves and putting it on others. In fact, this principle will work for anybody. It's why the Bible says, ' honour giving preference to one another' (Romans 12:10 NKJV).
*** Today there is just one thing God wanted me to be - it is to be an encourager.
I met Kuya Domeng and Ate Evelyn on the way home while riding the same bus. The stories were endless and advices given, Godly encouragement being told. Yes, I have been discouraged myself but it shouldn't take the joy from my heart. I should still be the same person only better. As Kuya Domeng said we as Christians shouldn't complain to God because we will never be neglected by Him, we go from glory to glory to glory. It encouraged me with my situation right now. I am so self absorbed I haven't got the time to text or call people who are willing to be my friends and these people like me should be ministered with encouragement.
I am a leader, I suppose, I do pray and hope I will become an encourager, a person who builds people up, a person who anyone can rely on. But right now God is trusting me to be faithful in my situation I should be glad because it is a rare opportunity to experience such trial of faith. That only means God wants me to grow deeper in my understanding in him.. ^_^
I do pray Lord that my heart should be settled and that no negative things comes out of my mouth. I want to be optimistic, to be the light and joy wherever I go. Only because I want them to know that I am a Christian and I am willing to be an asset to the place where God have decided me to be.
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