Friday, 26 November 2010
' together with the same purpose...' 1 Corinthians 3:8 NLT
Church growth consultant Jim Wideman highlights some things you can do to help those looking to you for direction:
(1) Put their goals and needs first. You're a part, not the 'whole enchilada'. Think about how your actions affect others. Be observant of the challenges and setbacks they're experiencing, and find ways to lighten their load even if they don't ask.
(2) Help others to win. Let others take a slam-dunk while you take an assist. Keep the ball moving till someone has a chance to score. Adopt the motto, 'It doesn't matter who gets the credit.' Be willing to accept blame and reluctant to assign it. Maintain an authentic desire to share victories. 'A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse' (Mark 3:24 NLT); you can't sink someone else's end of the boat and keep your own afloat.
(3) Over-communicate. Keep everyone in the loop, spend time with your peers, invest in your teammates, and admit when you need help. Be open to correction and advice. Leadership coach Rick Tate said, 'Feedback is the breakfast of champions,' and a good communicator is a good listener.
(4) Don't take things personally. Leadership, by definition, is about 'others.' When you start thinking it's all about 'you,' you lose perspective.
(5) Give it all you've got. Paul, Timothy's mentor, said to him: 'Do your best... [be] a worker who has no need to be ashamed...' (2 Timothy 2:15 NRS).
Good leaders empower others. Henry Mintzberg said: '...the best managing of all may well be silent. That way people can say, "We did it ourselves."'
*** Godly good leadership.
I am happy in the learning I am having right now. Not as an obedient follower but as a person who honors authority even though the don't actually deserve it (like my boss,yes.. honor should be readily given to anyone and respect is earned).
Can I be a leader that could possess these qualities?
I do hope I can empower others too. To give sometimes what you do not have is an important thing. To have compassion to those who were hurting is a selfless act God wanted us to experience too.
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